Satori #01: Time to Experiment

David Zerbe
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2021

We set off on a pleasantly sparkling journey into the unknown, somewhere between anticipation and awe we, start our uxactly adventure. What seemed so far away a few months ago is now so close. A feeling of uncertainty spreads out of nothing, and the questions echo louder and louder:

  • Will we be able to fill the next two months well?
  • What do we actually want to do?
  • What if we don’t get motivated?
  • What should happen next?
  • Can we even afford that?
  • What should customers think?
  • Will we be able to stick to our own design processes?
  • Will we sabotage each other?
  • Will my girlfriend have completely redesigned the apartment by then? Will I stand it without her?
  • How will friends and relatives fare in time?
  • What will I miss?

With over 16 years of professional experience, I am surprised to find that I have never had so much freedom — since I can remember, the next project, or the next customer, has always been around the corner. A break was unthinkable in the 16 years. Now the time has come, we have decided to pull the brakes and put our toe in new territory, it can start, the adventure may begin.

Satori — refers to the experience of enlightenment in Zen Buddhism.

Satori stands for creativity and self-realization for us. During this time, we wanted to work on existing ideas as well as establish new products and processes. How many times have you thought: this or that would be a great idea? We have felt this way too often in recent years and the ideas have always disappeared in the ether of day-to-day business. Therefore, we are all the more pleased about the possibility of actively addressing them now.

Half-time in Taiwan, final coronation in Bangkok!

Digital Normade Score Map — Taiwan

As a travel destination for our satori, we deliberately chose Taiwan and Bangkok, this had the following reasons for us:

  • Far away from everything that could distract us
  • Changed environment to gain new influences from outside
  • Good Normaden Score to connect with like-minded people — so that we can broaden our own horizons, outside our usual comfort zone.

Think of this as a withdrawal, if you want to change something, then you can do it best by detaching yourself from what else surrounds you and not letting your brain fall into old patterns in the first place.

Two months and a backpack? 🤗

Photos from last year Japan (2018)

Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a fan of mass and always try to concentrate on the essentials, including here. All my equipment incl. The clothes for two months had to fit in a backpack! There is actually nothing more than seen in the photo above. For all interested parties, there will be a separate article in the next few days in which I will discuss the equipment (I will link the article as soon as it goes live).

Goals and wishes

Pomodoro Timer — Uxactly

For years, we have been dreaming of our own products and giving something back to the world. With all this learning, we certainly want to have done more at the end of the day than just coming home with many great experiences, we want to start some experiments and find out how the market accepts them. Unfortunately, I can’t reveal what exactly here yet, but there will definitely be more information about it in the next few weeks.

Many questions but only one answer: We will see! In any case, it will be an exciting ride with many uncertain stops that will help us further optimize our own processes and projects. I am already looking forward to sharing the experience gained!🥇



David Zerbe
Editor for

Nice tech guy that loves to design and tweet about UI, UX and concept stuff. Working as a Design Manager @uxactly.