Scrumly cuddles Jira😘

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2 min readJul 2, 2021

Last week we integrated Github, as promised Jira follows this week.

The integration

While the issue management of Github and Gitlab is fairly simple and minimalistic the possibilities of Jira are sheer endless. On Github and Gitlab we just use labels to store the estimation values. On Jira you can also use custom fields for it. In most cases a field for story points is already added. A field for complexity not every time because a lot of companies use time estimation instead of complexity. Furthermore you must have administrative rights to add those fields which makes the implementation a bit more tricky. So we decided to search for possible custom fields and if no field is found we use labels as a fallback. Like we have done it with Gitlab and Github:

The implementation

The complexity of the Jira API is far more complex than those of Github and Gitlab. In terms of labels it is as easy as on the previous implementations. But since we can also use custom fields we need to get all available fields first. Then we need to check if a custom field exists which matches our criteria. If a field exists we must make sure that the field also exists in the issue. If this is the case we can safely store the value, if not we use a label. What’s really nice is the search API of Jira, you can simply pass a JQL string as a query parameter which makes it very easy to find stuff. Also you can tell the API which fields you want to have returned in the response which minimizes traffic. Following endpoints where used:

GET returns all projects the user has access to

GET returns all issues the user has access to

GET returns all available fields

GET returns a specific issue

PUT updates a specific issue

The future

After implementing the integration for Jira we now go into testing mode and plan to release the product soon. Stay tuned

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