A Day in the Life

Mark E Rojas
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
4 min readNov 1, 2017

Good morning Amy!

Click here to unlock day 3.

*Amy clicks greeting, is led to a short message of encouragement for the day. She clicks through the message and then she’s taken to the home screen with today’s tasks for the day*

Tasks for the day can be checked off as completed. Tasks include:

  • Weigh in
  • Each meal to check off
  • Step goal to check off
  • Daily topic to read with chat prompt including accountability partner
  • Weekly health goal determined by user and AI. (e.g. This week I want to replace my latte with a lower calorie option)

Menu and structure

Home screen always shows:

  • Morning welcome to unlock day. Once unlocked…
  • Pedometer and Calorie count
  • Tasks for the day to check off
  • Weigh in
  • Each meal to check off
  • Step goal to check off
  • Daily topic to read with chat prompt including accountability partner
  • Weekly health goal determined by user and AI. (e.g. This week I want to replace my latte with a lower calorie option)
  • Once a week you will see your (adjustable) meal plan. You can go in and swap out meals you don’t like with substitutes. Once you approve the week, a grocery list is generated. You can set which day of the week this happens on!

Boost button always available at the top of the screen

  • This is an “emergency” button Amy pushes when she is feeling unmotivated, tempted by unhealthy food, etc
  • Example:
  • Amy clicks “boost”
  • AI: “Hey Amy! How are you feeling right now?”
  • Amy can click one of the following:
  • Unmotivated
  • Hungry!
  • Tempted
  • Discouraged
  • *Amy clicks “hungry”*
  • AI: “Dinner time is just an hour away! In the mean time, check out these low calorie snacks you might choose to hold you over…”
  • *displays healthy snacks, with lowest calorie to highest calorie choice, e.g. Watermelon being top option, other fruits and veggies listed, hummus, etc. Last option being lightly salted popcorn.
  • AI: “Do any of these options sound good?!”
  • Amy can click on the one she is going to grab or select “no”
  • Amy selects carrots and hummus
  • AI: “Great choice, Amy! You’ve got this. See you at dinner.”

MAIN hamburger MENU includes:

  • Meal plan overview (see all meals for week, big picture, change settings and food preferences, etc. Get back to weekly grocery list if needed) Any meal can be clicked to see instructions on making.
  • Pedometer (page that includes your daily steps on a line graph?)
  • Calorie Count (see a detailed look at your day, nutrients, macros, etc)
  • Inbox (functions more like an instant messenger. AI will start conversations with Amy + accountability partner. AI will send prompts to individuals to send an encouraging message. Have easy message buttons to click or compose your own message.
  • Settings (tweak your weight loss goals, the speed you want to lose weight, food allergies, etc)

AI is learning and improving over time, evaluating:

  • Which meals you prefer
  • Which meal plans you stick with best
  • What day or time of the week you most often struggle. AI will encourage you to set small goals that push against your bad habits
  • Do you struggle with hunger, discouragement, temptation, motivation the most? (What do you click most within the “boost” panic button)

Looking Back at Initial User Setup

Important part of setup will be creating your “why.” Why do you want to lose weight? This will be used later when you need a boost. AI can remind you of your “why.” Maybe you want to get healthy so you can be active with your children. AI can bring up a photo you have shared with the kids to encourage you.

The process of the AI getting to know the user will be a gradual one, so that the user is not overwhelmed (or bored!) with the data input. Initially it will start by getting basic health info: weight, height, age, etc.

The AI will get to know the user better over the first week by tracking eating and activity level as well as daily chats that ask about food preferences, health limitations, goals, etc.

Here is an overview of the process

