AI Designer?

Simon Lee
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
2 min readSep 13, 2017

From the readings for this week, I actually learned things that I did not know before like how artificial intelligence is being used in real workplace and a possibility that it could replace some of human activities or jobs.

According to the article, How Companies Are Already Using AI by Satya Ramaswamy, IT activities such as detecting security intrusions and resolving user’s technology problems are the most popular use of AI. Also, the article, McKinsey’s State of Machine Learning and AI, 2017 by Louis Columbus, states that healthcare and financial services mostly benefit from AI adoption.

It seems to me AI is today being used for tasks that take too long or jobs that we might overlook due to the huge data. Even though current machines are learning from existing data that we teach or input, can AI really create something like humans do? If so, can we see it as creativity?

While reading the articles, I found an interesting software that can design a logo, called “Tailor Brands”. This software offers services that small businesses can create and craft their own unique logo or identity, without hiring human designers. I do not know how it exactly works, but according to the company (Tailor Brands), it is run by artificial intelligence. By simple information a user enters, the AI-powered machine analyzes it and automatically generates not only visual identities, but also other promotional applications such as business card, letterhead, social media campaigns, etc. Surprisingly, it takes just few minutes and costs about $50.

I do not think this AI designer will replace a human designer or is better than what we do. However, what if our clients do not much care about design or design principles? And, they have a low budget? Although this kind of software just took a step forward, I think it is definitely suitable for ones that look for instant and decent quality of design. I am also wondering what makes human designers better and how we can distinguish between them. Maybe, the AI designer would kill all freelance designer or rookies in the future? Joke.

It is obvious that technology based on AI has been greatly improved over the past years, but as a designer, I think there would be potential that we can manage it to be more efficient.

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