Application Proposals

Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
3 min readSep 20, 2017

(these are working titles)

Shazam for Humming

Pitch : This product helps anyone figure out a song by typing lyrics, humming, or singing part of a song into their phone. The application will identify the song name and the artist.

Users : Anyone and everyone who listens to music| Mechanics : Mobile app

Product fit map for “Shazam for Humming”

Shazam for Humming augments the user’s capabilities by identifying a specific song based on the user’s input — humming, singing, or typing in lyrics. Users benefit from this technology by being able to sing a short tune of a song — a song that they liked but can’t remember, or a melody that’s stuck in their head that they want to get out — and the application will recognize the melody even though it comes from straight from the user’s voice. Over time, the application learns the kinds of music the listener prefers, and prioritizes those suggestions. This prevents the application from assuming that a user is looking for a country song when they’re really looking for obscure disco. The application is a faster resource than singing the song to everyone of your friends until you finally figure it out, or waiting for a chance to hear the song on the radio again. An added benefit is music discovery.

Pet Alarm

(new discovery : this already exists)

Pitch : This product helps pet owners find their lost pets by sending an alert notifying the owner when a pet has left a defined radius and providing real-time GPS tracking.

Users : Pet owners | Mechanics : Mobile application + pet collar/tag

Product fit map for “Pet Alarm”

Pet Alarm augments the user’s capabilities by monitoring their pet’s location while the pet is out of the owner’s sight. Users benefit from this technology by knowing immediately if their pet has left a defined radius, giving them the opportunity to catch their pet before they’ve wandered too far. Should the owner miss the alert or not make it to their pet in time, the application provides real-time GPS tracking, so finding the missing pet is simple and painless. This application works more efficiently and effectively than searching up and down streets, hanging up posters, visiting animal shelters, or even checking a microchip website.

Summarize It

Pitch : This product helps research writers identify which texts are relevant to their research by taking a large piece of text and quickly summarizing it into a brief abstract.

Users : Research writers, students | Mechanics : Desktop app

Product fit map for “Summarize It”

Summarize It augments the user’s capabilities by taking a piece of text, creating a brief abstract, and highlighting keywords and passages located within the text. Aimed at research writers, this application reads through a publication and provides the key points so that the researcher can quickly decide if it’s a piece of text worth reading more carefully, and what passages they should focus on. By using this application, users can spend more time reading what’s relevant to their research and less time combing through useless sources.

