Cannabis Product Sketch

Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
3 min readNov 10, 2016

When it came to the likes and dislikes of using cannabis, the results were accurate to the personas previously created. Many women who surveyed, tend to use cannabis for depression/ anxiety purposes, and do not like the legalities and the stigma attached to cannabis. This product is targeted towards female users who live in states that have legalized both medical and adult use for cannabis.

When researching similar products and services that cater to cannabis users, I found that Leafly, an app designed to help users find dispensaries, strains ( with information about each strain), products and the latest new when it comes to cannabis in the political realm. Users of Leafly can also create an account and rate and comment on each strain.

Leafly also has events in multiple states to create a space for people to come together for networking and entertainment purposes.

One of the major pain points for women who were using cannabis, was the stigma attached to using cannabis not just illegally, but as a woman. Many of the products I saw on Leafly and other cannabis subscription boxes, lacked proper product design. Most product and package design seem bold, loud, and ornamental. Most of the designs lack professional quality, style and design.

One company however is changing the way cannabis products are designed. Tetra is an online retail platform dedicated to elevating the aesthetics of the smoking experience.During the mid-century period, design luminaries such as Dieter Rams, Marianne Brandt, and Enzo Mari created iconic smoking accessories for the home. Tetra seeks to revive that tradition of beautiful and useful objects in a contemporary way, celebrating the new rituals of smoking through a lens of great design. I hope with raised aesthetics and culture, this might lessen the stigma and stray away from the drug- ridden past it once had.

