Green Market Research

Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
3 min readOct 5, 2016

Since legalization is fairly a new concept in the cannabis industry, there was not a lot of data research on the users of marijuana. Many of the studies focus on the different ways to administer / consume the product. Looking at the data, it seems that people prefer to smoke a joint vs. using a vaporizer to use cannabis (even though the perception of vaping is healthier). The majority of the surveys respondents, regarding the use of smoking vs. vaporizing, were of male majority. Users who had vaped were most likely to be Caucasian (63.4%) with an vaping initiation age around 24.2.

Different types of cannabis administration. Non- marijuana medical legal vs. Marijuana medical legal

The following survey is a household sruvey. As in many household surveys, the vast majority of our survey respondents were female (62% female versus 38% male). Given the racial composition of the states ( Colorado, Washington, Oregon and New Mexico) they studied, they were also over- whelmingly white (84% white, 8% Hispanic, 2.1% black, 2.2% other, 3.7% two or more races). More than 60% of respondents were older than 40 years and only 15% were younger than 30. The surveys give us an insight to how many patients and non — patients use cannabis for both medial and recreational purposes. They also give us an idea, how much they consume, where they buy, and who they buy from.

A study done in Norway in 2014, surveyed a few women and men about females and their role in the cannabis culture. They explored how women navigate through a male-dominated drug culture, and study how femininities and masculinities are enacted, especially while under the influence of cannabis. Females are socially expected to be controlled and speak of intoxication with guilt and shame, whilst males are encouraged or even proud when highly intoxicated. Females tend to start smoking with their significant other, around the age of 17, along side with usually his friends. Many reported that very few females smoked alongside with the group. The groups were almost always majority male.

The survey also indicated that females have concerns about their self- control and competence when using marijuana. This might be due to the double- standard expectation of women being in control and well — mannered. They also explained how female smokers rely on their male friends or significant others to obtain marijuana with a lower social and economic commitment ( compared to males). Females also were deterred from using other smoking apparatuses (bongs/vapes), because they did not know how to use them and did not want to look “stupid”. Edibles were also used fewer by women because of fear of not knowing the dosage and not being able to control their high.

Females who smoked frequently, knew how to roll a joint or load a bong, could be seen as being“masculine cool”, because it was seen as a rare trait for females. Girls were usually seen as being too immature or giggly to be high.

