Longest ‘Monday’ Ever—Weekend Two Update

Katie Gordon
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
2 min readOct 12, 2019

I have struggled with this project. I have had a sudden death in the family and that caused me to devote most of my time to family and planning, so I feel like this project suffered a bit from that. Although I am finally feeling like I am understanding the whole process a bit better.

I was having a hard time figuring out how to research, and I didn’t find the readings that really helped in that regard.

Reading through Sprint, I am finding several similarities to the schedule of this project and the Sprint process. Although it feels like we are expanding the timeline quite a bit. This has felt like the longest Monday ever for more reasons than one! I feel like I have completed most of the ‘Monday’ steps through my research and redefining my job to be done. I am comparing the long term goal described in Sprint as my job to be done. I like how it says to keep that at the top of the board so you don’t lose focus while you are going through the process. As I go through my own thinking I need to keep reminding myself to look at the whole picture again and again. I think the biggest lesson I took away from The Lean Startup is pivoting, and failure just means you pivot instead of abandon.

Both of these books helped reinforce the process of this project and how to experiment and pivot.

