Matt — Project Ideas

Matt Himes
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
3 min readSep 20, 2017

Idea 1 — Disaster Relief A.I.

This idea is about using cognitive design to help coordinate disaster relief. With the seemingly increasing frequency of natural disasters, I thought a system that could interpret weather reports, gather and analyze road conditions, coordinate and prioritize resource deployment, could be invaluable. It could have the ability to analyze and learn from historical disaster data to increase preparedness, and to process and make recommendations based on larger data sets than humans are able to.

Value of Cognitive: I like this idea because it seems like an important topic that is also a prime opportunity for cognitive because there is a huge amount of data in the form of weather, road, and historical disaster records that could be used by an A.I. to help solve a variety of problems in disaster relief.

Potential problems: There may be too many problems to solve, making it hard to focus in and narrow it down. I also can see problems in getting access to this type of user for research purposes. I imagine they are all pretty busy right now.

Elevator Pitch: Denise the disaster relief coordinator can distribute aid faster and more efficiently by utilizing weather and road condition data to predict where resources need to be and when.

Product Fit Map:

Idea 2 — Creativity Augmentation Bot

I had several other ideas that I almost went with for my second option, but I ended up deciding on an A.I. designed to augment creativity because I wanted to have at least one option that brought things back to what we are all doing here in the first place, which is trying to become better designers. I also think that trying to use cognitive to solve a problem like enhancing creativity seems a bit contradictory on its surface, and I think it would be a fun challenge to take on. I see this bot serving as a source of creative inspiration, as well as helping out with some of the less glamorous tasks (stock photo searching, color and font selection, etc) that populate a designers schedule, freeing up more time for being creative.

Value of Cognitive: I see the value of cognitive here as the ability for the bot draw creative inspiration from a larger data set than a human designer ever could. Learning could be based on the what a user selects from its recommendations, allowing it to improve its recommendations over time. It could also learn your visual style, and tailor its recommendations to it, ultimately evolving it into a personal creative assistant.

Potential Problems: How to code creative thinking into an A.I.? I don’t know the answer but I think a place to start could be with a simple feedback system (i.e. spotify). What form would be the most valuable to designers, maybe a desktop assistant, a robot? On the bright side accessing these users for research would be a breeze.

Elevator Pitch: Adam the designer can design more creatively and efficiently by gathering inspiration faster and from a wider variety of sources than humanly possible, and streamlining mundane tasks out of his design process.

Product Fit Map:

