Mentor Women

6 min readApr 28, 2018


I finally found a good name for my product– Mentor Women! It is a simple and straightforward name for stating out my product’s function. Women who need career supports to help them reaching higher, or women who are willing to help other women in their career are all welcome to join Mentor Women. Women can join Mentor women to be mentorwomen for mentoring women! My logo design I chose a modern font for it. The font looks modern and elegant just like women.

Why only mentor women.

- Women need more supports than men because they got less chances.

- Women want to help more women.

- After #Meetoo movement, many men feel uncomfortable to mentor women.

- Women know women well.

So we are targeting women mentoring.

On the other hand, I have been finding my differentiators for a long time. I noticed that as I go forward, I found more people have been done what I wanted to do. So I researched many competitors for avoiding to make things people have already done it. I started with checking women organizations such as,

and also e-mentor competitors like

I am not listing all of them, there are too many people already did mentoring programs.

From my research I found that many women worry about they may not have the time to accept mentorship, however, when they start to do it, only 10 percent people says it affects their personal time for their family. So how can we make it easy for the users to start using our product is important.

Then I came with an app that offers e-mentoring service that allows people to join our mentoring chain with their mobile devices easy and free. When people sign up to use our product, they get 50 free virtual coins (MW coin) for accessing to our service. (50 coin is about 15–25 minutes service) When people use our product continually, they need to purchase our virtual coin for our service. The free coins encourage women to start their first step of mentorship. In addition, our service allows women to use it in anytime at anywhere.

We hire potential mentors in different field of profession. The mentors take a 15minutes online interview with us for evaluation. After we evaluated the mentor, we will decide if she can be a mentor in our service. Mentors can set their available date and time for providing mentoring freely. The time is chopped into 5 minutes minimum that allows mentee to have more freed on deciding their mentoring time. They can arrange their time meets such as meeting on every Tuesday night for 15minutes. It also can save their money they spend. For example, we don’t charge you an hour fee if you just communicate with your mentor for 40 minutes. Besides, we record your mentoring audio for you to review it easily. We also include reward system. When women contribute to write their successful stories by using our service, they get free coins for their mentorship. Those stories can not only help us to improve our service but also give potential users a outline of what we can do for them that encourages them to start their own stories. Besides, our service also offer mentor training for mentors to enhance their mentor abilities. The coins their earned can be uses for trading training program or cash them.

Here is my product introduction.

This my brand logo.

From my research, I found that even in this era, companies are pretty balance in hiring male and female workers, the higher level positions are still dominated by male because people are more likely to promote someone you know well. In other words, men are more likely to promote men who close to them.

Research showed that mentorship and sponsorship (my next goal) helps women in their career a lot. So I decided to lunch a business for offering mentoring services.

My primary and secondary research show that women are willing to help more women to be more successful, but most of them are not active.

It’s not a secret that people all know if there is someone who can give you guides that will make your path more easy and successful. But the problem is how can people find the person for them?

On the other side, research shows that even though people are willing to help others, they still concern about if they have the time to execute it.

So our mission is to offer mentoring services for those women who need help but don’t know how to do it.

Our value proposition will be EASY to use and SAVING TIME that encourages and pushes those women who want to do something but don’t know how to start it.

Our target users are both mentees and mentors.

Our jobs are EASY to use for mentees, and Time saving for the mentors.

Here is the prototype and the description of our product.

Mentor can trade products (t-shirt, badge…etc)by their coin, too!

