Project Updates — Sketches

Matt Himes
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
2 min readOct 26, 2017

So after the feedback I got on my initial As-Is Journey Map, I decided to narrow my focus in on one key insight from my interviews — that none of the agencies I spoke with are able to really use social media intelligently as a part of their relief efforts. Red Cross has volunteers monitoring social media 24/7, and many of the smaller organizations did not utilize it at all. So my new hypothesis is that using an AI to crowdsource relief requests from social media will both free up volunteer resources as well as provide valuable additional data on who needs assistance and when. My previous idea of helping to organizations better coordinate seemed to broad in scope, trying to solve too many problems, and could run into a lot of challenges concerning organizations reluctance to share internal information. So based on this new hypothesis, I have created new As-Is, and To-Be Journey maps, as well as System Map and Flow Map sketches:

