Survey Questions Refined

Matt Himes
Futures, Entrepreneurship and AI
2 min readOct 19, 2016

1. Please indicate your age:

  • 12–17 years old
  • 12–17 years old
  • 18–24 years old
  • 25–34 years old
  • 35–44 years old
  • 45–54 years old
  • 55–64 years old
  • 65–74 years old
  • 75 years or older

2. Which of the following categories best describes your primarily area of employment (regardless of your actual position)?

  • Homemaker
  • Retired
  • Student
  • Unemployed
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, or Hunting
  • Arts, Entertainment, or Recreation
  • Broadcasting
  • Education
  • Construction
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Government and Public Administration
  • Health Care and Social Assistance
  • Service Industry
  • Information — Services and Data
  • Legal Services
  • Manufacturing
  • Military
  • Real Estate, Rental, or Leasing
  • Religious
  • Retail
  • Scientific or Technical Services
  • Software
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Utilities
  • Wholesale
  • Other (Please Specify)

3. Who do you identify with more:

  • Baby Boomers
  • Millennials
  • Generation X

4. Where do you currently reside?

  • City
  • State
  • Country

5. Which of the following best describes the area you live in?

  • Urban
  • Suburban
  • Rural

6. How long have been living in (City, State)?

  • 6 to 12 months
  • 1 to 3 years
  • 4 to 6 years
  • 7 years or more

6. What is your preferred method of travel around town?

  • Car
  • Motorcycle or Electric Scooter
  • Bicycle
  • On Foot
  • Other (Please describe)

7. What cultural activities do you like to do in (City, State)? (check all that apply)

  • Music
  • Theatre
  • Film
  • Arts
  • History
  • Food, wine, or spirits
  • Architecture
  • Outdoors
  • Sports
  • Games
  • Festivals
  • Nightlife

8. How do you discover new things to do in (City, State)?

  • Word of Mouth
  • Internet
  • Mobile Application (please specify)
  • Newspaper
  • Other (please specify)

9. How interested are you in learning about local culture?

  • Scale (1–10)

10. How interested are you in discovering hidden history around (City, State)?

  • Scale (1–10)

11. Can you think of a local landmark or important cultural place that has disappeared in recent memory? If so, explain.

  • Open ended (not required)

12. If there were a way for you to preserve and share cultural that is in danger of disappearing, how interested would you be in doing that?

  • Scale (1–10)

That is my second pass at defining my survey questions. I feel that I may still be a little long at this point, so I am considering if I can eliminate the occupation question, and possibly the Urban/Suburban/Rural question. Would love to get some feedback on that, and any other thoughts on my survey questions. Thanks!

