Step 13. Improve

Nadya Tsech
Mastering UX
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2017

Master UX in 15 steps.📍 Start

Tasting, gathering feedback, measuring usability, iterating are the huge part of a designer’s job. Analytic tools and user feedback can give valuable insight and help to find the most pressing usability issues.

Three Metrics for Measuring Success of User Experience Design featuring Forrester (2 mins)
Ness Digital Engineering

Choosing the Right Metrics for User Experience on

Hira Javed — Measuring UX (35 mins)

In order to know whether something is working, a signal or an indication of progress is needed, and progress cannot be measured without a clear sense of what success looks like.

Measure Your Website User Experience (56 mins)

Get underneath the hood of your website analytics and measure your website user experience. See a case study demonstrating how website user experience metrics guide decision-making. Get best practices for measuring your website’s impact.

Making UX decisions based on data

Data-Informed VS Data-Driven: Balancing Design & Qualitative Feedback & A/B Testing (13 mins)

Facebook Product Manager Dwight Crow speaks at UserConf SF, sharing UX/UX design and product management insight he’s picked up during his time working at Facebook.

A/B Testing: Test Your Own Hypotheses & Prepare to be Wrong (15 mins)

We’ll explore how product development fundamentally changes when you allow science to inform decision-making — from the democratisation of decision-making, to the constant surprises revealed by data.

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Hotjar
  3. Jaco
  4. Smartlook *free

📖 Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability Metrics by William Albert and Thomas Tullis

📖 Web Analytics: An Hour a Day by Avinash Kaushik

📖 Search Analytics for Your Site: Conversations with Your Customers by Louis Rosenfeld

🎬 UX Youniversity Step 13. Improve

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Nadya Tsech
Mastering UX

B2B Product Manager at Ataccama. I write about product and design