Mobile Ecommerce: 7 Astonishing UX Statistics (Infographic)

Annemarie Bufe
Published in
2 min readAug 5, 2019

You have to keep many things in mind if you don’t want to lose your mobile customer. This infographic shows astonishing statistics about mobile ecommerce.

Going to the city, walking through different shops and trying to compare different offers can cost time and nerves.

Today it’s quite easy to get what you need on the internet.

When designing an ecommerce app, there are certain aspects you have to keep in mind if you don’t want to lose the customer before he purchases. The following infographic shows astonishing statistics about ecommerce.

Want to know how to improve your mobile online shopping app? How can you find out if your users are frustrated? Which tools help to analyze your mobile app?

  1. Start using UXCam’s app analytics solution to understand your user behavior.
  2. 68% of the potential customers wouldn’t submit a form if it requires too much personal information
  3. 55% of customers have bought a product online after discovering it on social media
  4. 70% of mobile searches lead to action within one hour. (It takes a full month for the same percentage of desktop users to catch up.)
  5. 68% of the “digital window shopper” so this on their smartphone for fun
  6. 77% of those make impulsive purchases
  7. The Top 5 mobile Shopping Problems:
  • Need to enlarge the screen to click (33%)
  • Long page loading time (25%)
  • Just “full size” version offers all functionalities (17%)
  • Too small texts (17%)
  • Frustrating checkout process (17%)
  • Not enough product information (12%)

8. 4 out of 5 Americans are shopping online

9. 51% of them buy via cellphone or smartphone

10. 15% of them buy on a weekly basis

11. Customers think online recommendations are:

  • are more trustworthy than personal recommendations (7%)
  • are less trustworthy than personal recommendations (34%)
  • are as trustworthy as personal recommendations (59%)

Any further questions? Feel free to comment. If you liked the article please leave some claps!

Originally published at on August 5, 2019.

