UXCamp DC 2016

7 reasons why YOU need to speak at UXCamp NYC

chief creative instigator
UXCamp Download


  1. You could get a book deal
  2. Find a better job
  3. Boost your personal brand
  4. Get more twitter followers
  5. Launch a national speaking career
  6. Finally publish your UX book
  7. Write an article for UXCamp Download

You can register here.

UXCamp NYC is on June 25th 9:00am-5:00pm at General Assembly’s Flat Iron location. Practice your talk and we’ll see you there.



chief creative instigator
UXCamp Download

Design Strategist | Hybrid Thinker | Co-organizer @uxcampdc, @uxcampnyc | Creative Instigator. fuel: coffee #designthinking #ux #innovation