The Complete Mobile UI Design Guidelines 2022 — Android vs iOS #8

Chun-Chuan Lin
設客思 | UX Circles


05 — Android buttons vs iOS buttons

Buttons are essential elements in the UI to guide users to take action by tapping. A button always includes a text label, an icon, or a combination of both, helping people predict what it does. Buttons can have different visual styles based on size, color, and shape to have different importance and play different roles on the screens.

Android has a total of 9 types of buttons, extended FAB, FABs, filled buttons, filled tonal buttons, elevated buttons, outlined buttons, segmented buttons, text buttons, and icon buttons. The above list is sorted by level of emphasis. I will skip segmented buttons for now and they will be introduced again with iOS segmented controls in the later chapter.

iOS has a total of 4 types of buttons, filled buttons, tinted buttons, gray buttons, and plain buttons. iOS used to have outlined buttons, but tinted buttons and gray buttons have replaced them as secondary buttons after iOS 11.


  • Various button types for different levels of emphasis: Both Android and iOS have filled buttons, filled tonal buttons/tinted buttons, and text buttons/plain buttons for high, medium, and low emphasis.
  • Can be a text, an icon, or a

