Exploring Resources for the System Usability Scale (SUS) and Usability Information

Cátia Gonçalves
UxD Critical Software
1 min readSep 20, 2023


The System Usability Scale (SUS) is a widely used questionnaire for evaluating the usability of a wide range of products and services. While there may not be specific websites dedicated solely to SUS information, you can find valuable resources and information on usability and the SUS on various websites related to usability research, user experience (UX), and human-computer interaction (HCI). Here are some websites where you can find information about the SUS and related usability topics:


This website by the U.S. government provides a wealth of information on usability and user experience, including guidelines, resources, and case studies.

📚Nielsen Norman Group (NN/g)

NN/g is a well-known authority on usability and UX. They often publish articles and reports on usability, including information about the SUS.

📚User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA)

UXPA is a global organization dedicated to promoting and supporting the UX profession. They have resources related to the SUS and usability.

📚Bentley University — User Experience Center

You can also discover an article explaining the SUS procedure on the Bentley University website.

If you’re aware of any additional websites related to SUS, please don’t hesitate to share them with us! 🤓📚💡

If you’re interested in understanding how the System Usability Scale (SUS) operates, I recommend reading this article.

