Usability Heuristics in Critical Systems — 7# Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

Pedro M. S. Duarte
UxD Critical Software
3 min readDec 21, 2022

In the last article, we’ve discussed the sixth heuristic — recognition rather than recall, exploring solutions to minimise user memory load.

This time, we’ll focus on the seventh heuristic — flexibility and efficiency of use — allowing for both inexperienced and experienced users to interact differently based on their specialist field.

7# Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

Systems need to be built to be flexible and efficient, while also being tailored to frequent user actions, allowing for both inexperienced and experienced users to interact differently based on their specialist field.

Flexible processes can be carried out in different ways, giving them the freedom to choose whichever method works for them. This flexibility is a catalyst for efficiency. If a system lets users select the method of interaction, they can get things done in a way that’s quick and comfortable for them.

Imagine having to reuse a previously written text, yet you just need to make a few alterations. Of course, you can write something similar from scratch, which will take time, or you could reuse most of the same text you wrote before. To do this, simply highlight the text, click ‘Edit’ in the top menu, and then ‘Copy’. You could even highlight the text and right-click and choose ‘Copy’. Or, for maximum speed, just select press ‘Command+C’ (Ctrl+C on Windows). That simple copy action can be successfully carried out in several different ways. It’s a flexible and efficient process.

3 different ways to copy text

The keyboard shortcut, the handy ‘Command+C’ (Ctrl+C on Windows) is an accelerator. An accelerator is any option or action that speeds up an interaction or process, and they are there for more experienced users who know a system well and just want to make routine tasks go by more quickly.

Highly usable systems are flexible enough to be efficient for experts and also friendly for newbies. It’s important not to overwhelm first-time users with too much information and to not attempt to teach them every action on the system upon their first use.

Tips to follow the 7th heuristic principle involve providing accelerators like keyboard shortcuts and touch gestures, supplying personalisation opportunities by tailoring content and functionality for individual users, and allowing for customisation, so users can make selections about how they want the product to work.

Accelerators, personalisation, and customisation are often seen in critical systems to deliver high efficiency and productivity, commonly: keyboard shortcuts, macros, saved filter/search, and other advanced configurations.

Saved filters (

Occasionally, these accelerators are only discovered by accident or by playing around with a system. Once discovered, these actions allow the user to complete actions quicker, accelerating the ‘doing’ process.

Novices vs. Expert Users: Web usability has focused on ease of learning for the new visitor. While learnability remains important, it is time to also consider expert performance. — Nielson Norman Group

The main objective is to ensure that well-seasoned users won’t be slowed down in their productivity by a system that’s only built with basic use in mind. At the same time, new users won’t be overwhelmed by countless commands and shortcuts, avoiding information overload and making UX a more efficient and manageable process.

Get in touch

Pedro Duarte, Head of User Experience Design at Critical Software
Designing for critical systems



Pedro M. S. Duarte
UxD Critical Software

Observable desire to question and challenge design, trends and technology.