Design User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Meaning, Definition

Sunidhi Mahajan
UXD Talks
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2024

User acceptance testing, or UAT, is a software testing process that generally takes place at the last stage of software development to test how acceptable the software is in real-time. The primary purpose of user acceptance testing is to assess how efficiently the software can provide the intended solutions to the target audience. The Designer should verify the final developed screens whether they meet the actual designs

What is the Purpose of UAT?

UAT serves as the final quality check, helping to identify and address any issues or improvements necessary to achieve user satisfaction. As the user acceptance test is the last testing that is carried out before the software goes live, obviously this is the last chance for the customer to test the software and measure if it is fit for the purpose.

Here we will talk about :

Design Testing

Match Design Requirements

Review the developed screens and match with the designs, ensure that it focus on the requirements and each screen should have its own consistent and easily identifiable to the designs

Design testing in practice

Okay, so you found all those nasty inconsistencies and mistakes, now how do you submit your comments?

  • Step 1: Match the Dev Screens with the Designs

Start the Design UAT by dividing the process into three categories

Testing Web Screens

  • Step 2: add notes/comments in the file

Testing Android Screens

Mobile versions should also be tested and should be ensured that web and mobile designs are aligned. In android you can test the screens in developer mode by activating the layout bounds

  • Step 3: organise a meeting with the product owner, and the rest of the team involved in the project. Present your comments and share with everyone so that team can work on it

Both products and users benefit from design testing

Benefits of design testing are vast. It’s not very time-consuming and it certainly adds value to the software development quality process. With design testing you’ll be able to:

  • Detect errors at the very beginning, which means much lower costs of improving them.
  • Pay more attention to UX design. By clicking through the app you can check how easy it will be for the real users to orientate.
  • Check the differences/consistencies in the general design decisions relating to content, fonts, colours.

