Mastering Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide to Figma’s Shortcut Keys

Shubham Misal
UXD Talks
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2024

In the realm of digital design, every moment matters. Designers are always looking for ways to increase productivity and optimize their process. Here comes Figma, a collaborative and adaptable design tool that is now a must-have for many designers. Understanding Figma’s shortcut keys is crucial if you want to fully utilize its potential. We’ll look at the several shortcut keys in Figma in this post so you can operate more efficiently and quickly.

  1. Navigation Shortcuts:

Let’s start with the basics — navigation. Efficient movement within Figma is crucial for a smooth design process. Use the following shortcut keys to navigate like a pro:

  • Spacebar: Hold to temporarily access the Hand tool for panning.
  • Command/Ctrl + 1, 2, 3, etc.: Quickly switch between different frames on the canvas.
  • Tab: Toggle between the canvas and the Figma UI.

2. Selection and Editing:

Precise selection and editing are at the heart of design work. These shortcuts will empower you to make quick adjustments without interrupting your creative flow:

  • V: Activate the Selection tool.
  • A: Select all items on the current frame.
  • H: Toggle the Hand tool for panning.
  • Command/Ctrl + G: Group selected layers.
  • Command/Ctrl + D: Duplicate selected layers.

3. Text and Typography:

Text manipulation is a significant aspect of design. These shortcuts will make working with text in Figma a breeze:

  • T: Activate the Text tool.
  • Command/Ctrl + B, I, U: Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting to text.
  • Option/Alt + Up/Down Arrow: Adjust line height.
  • Option/Alt + Left/Right Arrow: Adjust letter spacing.

4. Layer Management:

Efficient layer management is crucial for maintaining a well-organized design file. These shortcuts will help you navigate and organize your layers with ease:

  • Command/Ctrl + [ or ]: Move selected layers backward or forward in the layer stack.
  • Shift + Command/Ctrl + G: Ungroup layers.
  • Command/Ctrl + Shift + K: Lock selected layers.
  • Command/Ctrl + Shift + H: Hide/show selected layers.

5. Prototype and Interaction:

Figma’s prototyping capabilities are extensive, and these shortcuts will assist you in creating seamless interactions:

  • Command/Ctrl + Enter: Enter Prototype mode.
  • Command/Ctrl + Option/Alt + K: Create a new prototype connection between frames.
  • Command/Ctrl + Option/Alt + Arrow Keys: Adjust the easing of animations.

Thank you for reading all the way to the end and before you go, let me show you how to access all the shortcuts that are there in figma.

There are two ways to access it:-

  • click “ ? ” in the bottom right of the figma file and select keyboard shortcuts
  • Command/Ctrl + Shift + ?

