A Mobile App for the Coffee Snob

Brad Cate
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2018

The assignment was to design an app that would allow users to purchase coffee from their mobile device. I began by observing a local coffee shop — the types of customers, how the baristas interacted with the customers, and the flow of the experience both in front of, and behind, the counter. I also spoke with the baristas working at the coffee shop to get a sense for the different types of customers they serve, when the busy times are, and general impressions of the work environment.

This affinity map demonstrates the thinking of busy users who would find a mobile coffee purchasing app helpful.

In speaking with the baristas I realized that many of their customers are “regulars” who are often in a hurry on their way to work. Also, as a local coffee shop in a large metro area that hosts conferences and other events, they are often serving people from out of town. It occurred to me that, while it is very easy to find a Starbucks virtually anywhere you go these days and order a drink from a mobile device, many people would rather have a different experience with a more localized flavor.

Working out a mind map and an empathy diagram was very helpful in getting a deeper understanding of my user.

I began to imagine a coffee drinker looking for a tasty beverage on their way to work, but not having the time to wait in line or for their order to be ready. I could also see a business person from out of town hoping to find a local coffee experience on their way to a client meeting, but not knowing where to go.

A user flow helped to determine the necessary steps to take, and interactions needed, for a user to find a “good” cup of coffee — and find it waiting for them upon arrival at a local coffee shop.

A mobile app began to take shape. It would be designed to connect coffee drinkers on the go with local coffee shops. While it would ultimately need a backside web interface allowing coffee shops to sign up and input menus, prices and locations, for the purposes of this assignment I focused on the coffee drinker’s experience in finding a great local coffee shop.

After testing and receiving feedback on an earlier version, this prototype was put together to demonstrate how a user — having already set up an account in the app — would go about finding a local coffee shop close by, select a latte with options (i.e. size, milk type, flavors, etc.), add a tip to the charge, put in an estimated time of arrival, and get directions.

