Design Exercise: Applying LeanUX to Dell Premier’s Standard Configurations

Laurel Sch
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2018

For the past two weeks my class has worked individually on areas for improvement on Dell’s website. Applying the framework prescribed by LeanUX, we each chose a problem we saw with the website and developed a prototype that would (hopefully) resolve the issue. I chose to tackle the issue of creating, sharing, and purchasing quotes for smaller companies from Dell due to the increasing number of startups and other small businesses. My goal, simply put, was to improve the experience surrounding the purchase of a number of computers without the need for a representative. I did this by developing a series of questions to ask the user in order to narrow down possible products from the numerous available on The questions hopefully render a representative unnecessary, while giving the user more control over their ordering process. Often users rely on representatives to provide product information, create and edit quotes, causing the user’s time to be wasted if they do not have immediate contact with a Dell representative. By clarifying and using familiar language, the assisted ordering system could reinforce the confidence they have with Dell.

My design process consisted of developing a proto-persona (meet Felix) from an empathy diagram, creating a site flow that assisted users in creating a quote if they chose to have guidance, and testing an initial prototype with users before creating a more developed prototype. One of the aspects of my prototype that users particularly noted was the language used in the prototype. This was very insightful towards the implementation of language that was familiar to the real world. User also noted that with assisted ordering, the progress bar was a fun and engaging way to situate the user during their search for products.

I have included parts of my design process and second prototype below. Enjoy!

Meet Felix!
By card sorting with users, I identified the most important components to users for the filtering of products and prioritized the order of the questions.

