My Declarative Designer Manifesto

Towards full humanness

Tyler Hartrich
UXDI Portfolio


As designers, we ought to consider our full potential as it relates to our impact onto the world. For me, this begins with our deepest expression of humanness.

How might we forge a unified stance as designers — one that harbors the values and ethics necessary to assure our work brings about positive change?

Positive Impact

What would the world look like if all designers moved towards only engaging in meaningful work? An integral component is to say no to projects that do not serve me. If the design work is not engaging, I will simply pick up with the next challenge. In today’s world, there are countless major challenges to solve —

I declare that my work will only be of the highest direct impact — relating intimately with my purpose and design orientation.

Influencer transcendence

As Abraham Maslow points out in his late work, we are in a position to elevate ourselves towards self transcendence — the work of bringing about awareness in others.

My work will be guided by a similiar designer ethos — one that connects more people to be thinking and working as modern…



Tyler Hartrich
UXDI Portfolio

Working at the edge of school LX design, point + periphery systems design @ga + @forthwardnyc #FutureOfDesignEducation futureofschool + #microschool