Hikeable Mobile App Concept

Tyler Hartrich
UXDI Portfolio
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2017


My Role: UX Researcher | Duration: 2 Weeks | Project Status: Ongoing

Project Overview (Executive Summary, including key takeaways)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Scope of Work (What problem space were you working within)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Process (Explaing the UX framework at a high-level)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Problem Space Statement (Hypothesis Assumptions)

What is it that you as a team were looking to validate?

Initial problem statement that orients the subject and scope of work.

How might we…?

RESEARCH PHASE (Discover + Define)

Goal of Research (What we set out to validate)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Methodology (User Interviews — explain the method)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Synthesis » Affinity Mapping (Speak to what was illuminated)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

  • Insight 1
  • Insight 2
  • Insight 3

Persona (Representation of the target audience — why its helpful)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Journey Map (Day in a life view of target audience — why its helpful)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Revised Problem Statement (Our new focus coming our of research)

INSIGHT: What did we find in our research?
PERSONA: Who is the intended audience? Could also be an archetype.
PROBLEM: What problem or pain point did we find in our research?
GOAL: What is the opportunity or goal (not the solution)?

RESEARCH » DESIGN (Intersection)

Insight A goes here » Feature A goes here
Insight B goes here » Feature B goes here
Insight C goes here » Feature C goes here
Insight D goes here » Feature D goes here
Insight E goes here » Feature E goes here
Insight F goes here » Feature F goes here

DESIGN PHASE (Design + Deliver)

MVP Reveal (Speak to what the concept is, supported by research)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Design Studio: Sketching + Concepting (Describe early ideation)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

Mid-fidelity Screens (Wireframes — describe evolution of concept)

This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

Initial User Testing: First Round (What you tested, what you learned)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

Design Iterations: First Round (Annotations/Screen Flow)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

User Testing: Second Round (What you tested, what you learned)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

High-fidelity Screens (Annotations/Screen Flow)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.

Final User Testing (What you tested, what you learned)

This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process. This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.This is an example paragraph that provided details within this specific stage in the UX process.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.
• Bullet 1
• Bullet 2
• Bullet 3

Final Prototype (Photo placeholder and link it out)

Recommendations + Implementation + Next Steps

This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce. This is an example paragraph that provided detail of the UX lifecylce.

Findings + Themes + Insights + Takeaways
This is a single sentence or two that reveals the finding from this phase of the UX process.



Tyler Hartrich
UXDI Portfolio

Working at the edge of school LX design, point + periphery systems design @ga + @forthwardnyc #FutureOfDesignEducation futureofschool + #microschool