An attempt to make Search flow easier for blue and grey-collar employees

Rajani K
UXM Community
Published in
16 min readDec 2, 2022

A fast-paced evaluative project completed in 48 hours under the mentorship of @ux.anudeep

We are a team of Six UX aspirants named ‘Team TheMisfits’ was tasked to pick a problem statement and to come up with a solution in 48hrs.

Let’s meet our teammates

Team Misfits

Dev Kansana
Jeganathan C
Monica Chilagani
Preeti Wadhera
Rohit Patel
and me Rajani Devi👧

Individual Contribution

Though we did the project as a team, we diverged for some parts to quickly gather data or organize information, tackle multiple parts of a project, and focus on the task at hand without distractions.

Here’s a list of the tasks I took the lead on during the project

  • Understanding the Problem Statement
  • Preparing for and conducting Competitive research
  • Formulated HMW (How Might We) statements.
  • Ideated on the HMWs.
  • User interface
  • Conducted one out of four interviews with users (Re-usability test)

Let’s go

A . Major Insights & results

  1. Problem Statement and reasoning
  2. User flow
  3. Identifying problems within the flow
  4. Solution V1.0

B. Detailed Process

  1. Heuristic Evaluation and hypothesis
  2. Secondary Research
  3. Competitor Analysis
  4. Primary Research
  5. Research Analysis
  6. Brainstorming and Ideation
  7. Wireframing
  8. Solution V1.0 UI and Prototype
  9. Usability test
  10. Solution V2.0 Revised UI and prototype

C. Key Learnings

D. Appendix

Problem Statement and Reasoning

We were working on the Apna app and our problem statement was

Evaluate the job search and application flow of the Apna app and redesign the experience to reduce the bounce rate and daily active users.

Why did we choose this particular statement?

  • It is different from other hiring platforms in that it allows job seekers to contact employers directly. So this concept seems to be interesting to us
  • Also one of our team members had experience in hiring as an HR, so we thought it would be helpful and will give us an advantage in understanding the problem.
  • We also thought that working on Apna, which targets blue-collar and grey-collar workers, would be interesting and relevant due to the increasing popularity of grey-collar workers among big companies.

Understanding Business

Apna is a professional networking and jobs platform that helps blue and gray-collar workers find communities and land jobs. Currently, the app is accessible in 11 Indian languages and 28 cities and tends to expand. More than 100,000 recruiters in India use Apna’s platform today, including Byju’s, Unacademic, Flipkart, Zomato, Licious, Burger King, Dunzo, Bharti-AXA, Delivery, Team lease, G4S Global, and Shadowfax.

Understanding Users

Apna targets age groups from 18 to 35

The majority of users anticipate detailed roles and responsibilities of job roles in better and faster search results.

Existing flow

Home → search job → filter → applying → Track applied job status

Existing Flow

In the existing flow, you can go to the Search page from the home page by typing on the Search bar in the top.

In the Search bar, you will be presented with multiple job search options

Depending on which job title you tap on, you’ll be redirected to one of the Job listing pages

Again, depending on the content viewing screen you are on, tapping on the CTA will take you to the job detail page

From here, you can apply for the job and that applied job will be redirected to the home page

Business metrics triggered: Daily Active Users and bounce rate

Problems identified with the flow

Problems identified in homepage
Problems identified in Search flow
problems identified in job listing page
Problems identified in application status screen

Solution V1.0

We had a lot of assumptions about the problems users might face. To validate these assumptions, we conducted secondary and competitor research and primary research in the form of user interviews and usability testing of the existing flow.

Here is the first draft of solution

Solutions created in home page

Home Screen: Why did we made these changes?

Adding Divisions or sections will make users quickly grasp information While conducting user interviews, we observed that some of the users were having difficulties focusing on the screen because of many things on the screen.

Changing the Placement of search and filter so users can easily search and filter in the same section

Recommended Jobs and My jobs have been created in a Tabs format While studying our direct competitors, we observed that LinkedIn used tab format so that users can easily find the status of the application which can reduce additional clicks

Solutions created in Search page

Search Screen: Why did we made these changes?

Showing upfront content We discovered that Showing upfront content that they can recognize substantially improves usability because it reduces their cognitive load. "Using the navigation categories is often faster and easier for users than generating a good search query.” when conducting desk research.

Showing suggestions of previously searched job history We discovered that When users select from search suggestions rather than typing in their own complete query, they benefit because they use less mental effort to search because they can simply recognize the right words or phrasing they want. when conducting desk research

Solutions created in Job Listing Page

Job listing page: Why did we made these changes?

Having Edit option in the Search bar While conducting user interviews, some of the users expressed that Struggled to change their job location.

Added Radius information gives users how far the company will be

bookmark option will give users the flexibility to shortlist the jobs while conducting user interviews some of the users attempted to find a save or wish list option on the listing page so they could save it for later use.

Solutions Created in Job details page

Job details page: Why did we made these changes?

Providing link and trust badge while conducting user interview some of the users feels difficulty while finding company details some might this company will fake also. so it build the trust

Solutions created in the tracking screen

Application tracking -Why did we make these changes?

Making My jobs and jobs for you section as a tab format while conducting user interviews some of the users feel difficult to find applied jobs and

After a long discussion, we decided to show application tracking and a saved job list in the homepage so that users can easily find the status and reduced the clicks

If you want to know details about how and why we followed certain processes, and why we came to certain conclusions

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Go to the Detail process

Detail Process

Evaluation and hypothesis

We went ahead with the Heuristics Evaluation (we took the existing flow and try to identify if any part/interaction in the flow is violating any heuristic principles- rules of thumb) and. we identified a few issues till now, based on what the rule of thumb (Heuristics) says.

We used our common sense and observation to come up with Intuition based problems

Listed down screen wise Heuristic Evaluation

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Building Hypotheses

we went ahead and attempted solving it ourselves through hypothesis before even starting any research. We come up with assumptions about what is a problem for the user and what will work to help the users keeping in mind the business impact of it. With help of our Heuristics Evaluation and assumption, we formed our hypothesis.

Home Screen

Our hypothesis is that the placing of Filters and sort can be changed because my assumption is that for users the homepage can be a bit overwhelming because there are no divisions or sections, therefore users may have problems processing the information which can frustrate users

Our hypothesis is that the homepage can be utilized by giving CTA for multiple sections like search jobs based on skill/Job role or Top Companies, etc so that people can reach to their primary goals (applying for the job)
because my assumption is that big text becomes obtrusive. because of Inconsistent Font sizes, it’s hard to focus when too many text types are fighting for users’ attention.

Search Screen

Our hypothesis is that a recent search can be provided in the search because my assumption is that users have to recall the previous searches that might be difficult for some users to remember.

Our hypothesis is that Showing upfront content “ Search by Jobs “ or “Search by Skills”. because my assumption is that in search, Users looking for a specific role ( for eg skill ), Both categories will show up increasing the cognitive load.

Search Result Page -Jobs Listing Page

Our hypothesis is that because bookmark option will give users the flexibility to shortlist the jobs because my assumption is that users Users doesn’t have any freedom to shortlist multiple jobs and apply later

Our hypothesis is that because Multiple location dropdown needs to be provided my assumption is that users need to go all the way to the home page to change the location and after going to the home page also user will be able to tag only a single city

“Our hypothesis is that the users might find it overwhelming if they are searching for other locations as they have to go back and forth on the homepage to change the location because my assumption is that the users would find it annoying if they were browsing for multiple cities

“Our hypothesis is that Adding a map icon will clearly indicate its a location or Adding the Location details that were filled previously will work as a confirmation for the user because my assumption is Location bar at the top can create confusion for users as no title is given. Merging with Filters with no division it feels like Location is a part of filters this can confuse users

Filter Page

Our hypothesis is that Giving more options will make users more customization so that they can easily find their required jobs because my assumption is that users No clarity is given to apply the filters. Options given under the filter section are not reliable for the user

Our hypothesis is that Salary options mentioned in the filter need to be tagged with a currency symbol because my assumption is that the user might not understand what exactly the filter is trying to show

Jobs Details Page

Our hypothesis is that Providing a link directly can take you to the company profile because my assumption is that On the Product description page, Users want to search for company profiles and recruiters, to build trust for the company before applying. to find out about the company users need to go and search separately due to which users might drop off.

Home page after applied for a job

Our hypothesis is that Making the “my Job” Button more prominent because my assumption is that the button is not clearly visible enough to the users, which they use most of the time to see their pre-applied for jobs.

Application Track screen

Our hypothesis is that Add icon is easy to recognize because my assumption is that users may get confused with the location icon in the Job card which does not meet the External industry standards. This might confuse users and might search for the address to crosscheck.

Our hypothesis is to Add location details, because my assumption is that users may get confused with the existing address to which he/she had applied.

Our hypothesis is that have a satellite map, to help users to identify the location of the job to which he/she is applying for because my assumption is that users may switch to other platforms to recheck the proper address.

Our hypothesis is that there could be a way users can hide/delete some items because my assumption is that In My jobs, users cannot clear the applications not been active or not interested, in last two months. I felt that it might be trouble for some users because it will increase user time to find applications that are active.

We had problems and we had ideas now its time to validate those problems and ideas

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lets Start Research


We went ahead with the desk research, where we started searching for insights based on our flow, we started with a search page where we got 2 insights validating some of our hypothesis along with we went ahead with our competitor research to get more insight from a competitor of Apna based on our flow. We went ahead with Direct competitors that is Hirect and and Indirect competitors LinkedIn. This stage helped us in validating our hypothesis based and also helped us scope down and set our priorities.

Secondary Research

Here are the insights we gained from conducting secondary research,

Source 1

“Our hypothesis is that recent search can be provided in search because my assumption is that users have to recall the previous searches that might be difficult for some users to remember.

Factual / Statistical Insights

When users select from search suggestions rather than typing in their own complete query, they benefit because they use less mental effort to search, because they can simply recognize the right words or phrasing they want.

reference we took: As users find it difficult to recall so recent searches will help users to reduce the mental model.

Source 2:️-2ab4b2f2384d

Hypothesis: “Showing upfront content “ Search by Jobs “ or “Search by Skills”. because my assumption is that In search, Users looking for a specific role ( for eg skill ), Both categories will show up increasing the cognitive load.

Factual / Statistical Insights

Navigation is very important because it provides users with a view of what they can find and teaches them about the structure of the search space, and what can they search. Showing upfront content that they can recognize substantially improves usability because it reduces their cognitive load. “Using the navigation categories is often faster and easier for users than generating a good search query.”

Behavioral Insights (Triggers/Barriers/etc.)

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Insights we got from Competitor Research (SR2)

As the desk research was going on one side, I and Jegan planned to do the competitor research on another side to manage our time and validate our hypothesis.

We decided to study Hi-rect and Naukri as direct competitors since they also provide the best job search services we also looked at some indirect competitors to understand how different parts of the flow functioned in these apps LinkedIn to understand how the search flow will work, From Naukri and linked in to understand how tracking application function works

I took the lead for this part and understood how each flow works in different apps.

Listed down the insights gathered from our Competitor

The flexibility of choosing and modifying the job location easily. In LinkedIn, in the search bar users can change location there also can modify it anytime, which makes it easier for users to change location from the same page. it is flexible and efficient for users to take action and update their search.

Recent search history is available. So it will help the user to find the recent search quickly and easily

Company information helps in building trust from hirect

Tracking is sorted here.(e.g.: Applied, in progress, Not selected) Keeping users Informed of where and when they have applied

Giving recommended companies, top companies, etc to make the user select quickly Reduces the clicks — Increases the bounce rate

Location search

The search bar shows a skills option which let the users know they can even search based on skills

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Primary Research

After collecting data from Secondary Research we got a better understanding of the problem statement. We went ahead and studied some more articles to define our Target User for Current Usability Experience Testing.

Apna targets age groups from 18 to 35

We defined our users based on desk research. we wanted to target real-time users whom we can test face-to-face and observe their understanding based on the tasks given.

It is essentially the simplest way to come up with data to get a better understanding of the audience

We gathered insights about the users and their behavior, as well as their pain points, at this stage because it enables you to deliver a seamless experience by having a thorough understanding of how users interact with the relevant products. We proceeded with preparing the interview guide for task-based usability testing with your current flow. With the help of guerrilla testing and online task-based interviews, we were able to collect insights and observations, which we then documented.

We started with interacting about them and their journey in applying online?

Some of our observations

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Research Analysis

After finishing the secondary, and primary research and Competitive Research we did a research analysis to understand the correlation between our hypothesis, mindsets, and Factual data from research and real user interview insights.

Some of the Hypothesis got validated, and some were invalidated. We compared and focused on the insights that were validated during research and moved ahead with ideating on the solutions.

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Ideating Solutions

After completing all our research, we compared the insights against the hypothesis we had formed earlier and eliminated the hypotheses that were invalidated.

We then formulated How Might We(HMW) questions to reframe our insights into opportunity areas and ideate solutions for the problems we had found and validated.

After formulating as many HMW questions as we could, we used the crazy 8 technique to ideate solutions for each problem. We used this technique to gather all the ideas from all team members before prioritizing which solution we were going to implement.

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After the ideation on the bases of research We went further with the discussion and started wireframing flow wise with each screen. Created some rough sketches and lo-Fidelity Wireframe to execute our ideas. We created the LO-fidelity keep in min the users flow and insights we got.

with a low fidelity prototype, we understand the structure and flow. N

Now its time to make mood board. we observed various app screens and got inspiration from them.

Now Lets make components

List of components for ui screens

After creating the components I started creating the new UI screens based on the solutions we had decided to implement.

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Solution 1.0 Final Ui and Prototype

Solution 1.0

Try prototype here

Want to know details about the solution with reasons go to Solution 1.0

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Reusability Testing

After prototyping the redesigned flow, we decided to test our work with users to understand whether we had met the goals we had outlined at the beginning of the project or not.

We decided to prepare tasks for the user to complete, but we also attempted to observe the user, focusing on the user’s direct intention as well as behavioral insight.

Listed few questions

Session guide for reusability test

Using this testing guide, we conducted 5 re-usability tests, applying the same guerilla testing method as before.

based on the usability test, We did get some actionable insights which made some changes to the flow.

We understood their feedback and iterated to come up with a more intuitive user experience.

We cannot solve all the problems at the same time. It is important to prioritize based on what our targets are at a particular time

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Solution 2

Home page

Lets see the final solution

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key learnings

  1. We learned to work in collaboration. We now know, how to prioritize our tasks to finish the project in the given time
  2. Constant reminders from other teammates will help us to complete our tasks on time
  3. Fighting makes us more clarity in making decisions.
  4. Always think in terms of why
  5. We cannot solve all the problems at the same time. It is important to prioritize based on what our targets are at a particular time

Future Scope

  1. Adding reviews and rating of company will helps users to take better decision
  2. Adding map-based location selection will help users to quickly select the location

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Link to the Figjam file here.

Link to Figma file here.

Link to Notion File here.

Thanks for reading this case study! Feel free to drop any comments!
You can reach me at LinkedIn or

