Revamping the Holiday Package Booking Experience for MakeMyTrip: An Evaluative Case Study

Jaanvi Gulati
UXM Community
Published in
27 min readApr 12, 2023

Imagine Sara, a backpacker who wants to plan a solo vacation to one of her favorite destinations. What would she do? She’ll go to a travel and Hotel booking app where she’ll search for holiday packages because she wants to save some bucks and time that would otherwise be spent in planning different services like travel, stay, food, sightseeing, etc separately.

But as she goes through the app’s flow something happens and she drops off. Now you can try to assume what might have happened or you can read this Case study about a 48-hour Design Hackathon where I and my other team members evaluated the holiday package flow of a Travel and hotel booking app ‘MakeMyTrip’ where we tried to solve a similar problem in hand to enhance the app’s user experience.

Let’s take this trip together. Shall we?

📌Outline of the case study

To give a brief about the project and what we did: —

This is a fast-paced Evaluative design project hosted by our mentor Anudeep Ayyagari, designed in a hackathon manner to introduce effective and positive changes in a certain product flow chosen by each team within 48hrs.

Here’s what we did: -

  1. Selected a problem statement from the given list of 14 problem statements (PS).
  2. We had to fight for our PS with another team having the same product as their priority. Guess what, we won! XD
  3. We evaluated and created impactful improvements to an existing product by improving their business metrics for which we worked with the problem statement we had selected.
  4. Based on the evaluations we tried to create significant changes in the UI of the product (keeping in mind the business metric we were targeting) by creating UI wireframes and testing them with the users.
  5. The problem statements were very similar to the problems solved by product designers working in the industry today thus simulating a real-life working experience.

Don’t feel like reading the whole thing? Check out the Video of our Presentation below.

I wanted to learn and improve my UX/UI skills, and this seemed like a challenging but amazing opportunity to do so

Photo by Mathias Reding on Unsplash

Honestly, I was pretty clueless when I saw the problem statements. Every problem statement seemed as daunting to me as the others. I’d say it was the pressure of participating in a challenging competition like this with no prior experience in Evaluating user flows and my sheer will to prove to myself that I could handle the pressure of being a part of every section of the project in order to have maximum learning was making me feel overwhelmed in the beginning.

Yes, It sounds unrealistic for a newbie like me to have done all of it and get completely transformed after the 48th hour and I won’t deny that.

But what I can also confirm is that this competition was no less than a transformational experience for me. I couldn’t participate in every part of the project as I wished to but I did witness most of the steps happening in front of me and even being a part of some of them and documenting everything made it clearer than ever and I learned so much.

The ‘7 wonders’:- Meet my team

We went with something very positive and signified each member’s uniqueness and named our team “The Seven Wonders”.It’s difficult to point out who did what exactly but each of us had taken leadership in different areas of the project which are as follows:-

Akshith handled the Documentation

Athvik led the UI


Diksha handled the video

Sneha was our time tracker

Suman was the data analyst

and, Jaanvi(me) led the Secondary Research

Were 48 Hours enough?

Before we started with understanding the User flow we formed the timeline and strategies of the entire project. To successfully finish the project in 48 hours, Sneha who was the time tracker in our team kept on checking the tracker at regular intervals: -

Timeline for Hackathon

See the complete time tracker with the link attached below: -

👉Time tracker

🕐 November 4th, 2022

This was just the beginning, and I was already learning a lot

This was me XD (Source: Google)

I dived into the competition without having much experience in how to evaluate products based on business metrics and heuristics and thus I was finding it difficult to understand what unfair advantage we have as a team to offer to a particular product. The discussions we had as a team helped me in understanding them and which product will be better for us to evaluate and improve.

It’s like us choosing the company rather than the company choosing us for the job by understanding if it even fits us.

It was a mind-blowing unlearning for me to understand how we (‘Seven wonders’) were a great fit for Make My Trip.

A little back story: —We had a long discussion on which P.S to keep as priorities and realized that picking Make my trip as one of the priorities would be great since one of our team members lives in Dubai and thus doesn’t have access to many other products mentioned in the list given to us like Mamaearth, Apna, Curefit except Make My Trip, Daily Objects, Meesho, etc.

What made us choose ‘MakeMytrip’ as the top priority?

  1. We had a team member who had access to 5-star hotels, where we could find people who frequently buy Holiday Packages.
  2. We also had access to users who are newly married and who are there on their holidays or honeymoon and buy holiday packages thus helping us in the primary research (which is interviewing the users) and testing of the changes in the UI to get validation.
  3. The Christmas holidays were near and since the flow we were supposed to analyze is holiday packaging itself we had a good opportunity to test new customers who were planning to buy a holiday package and would be able to give reliable insights for the primary testing.

👊 If you want it, fight for it!

Yes, that was the rule to get the opportunity to work on your selected Problem Statement. We were given a bunch of problem statements and needed to choose among them and fight with other teams to win the problem statement.

Yes, we won the fight because of our unfair advantage of having access to travelers who could be our potential target audience for MMT!

Problem Statement for MakeMyTrip: -

Evaluate the holiday packages flow of MakeMyTrip, which includes booking of holiday packages and redesign the experience to make the product design better and decreasing the session length and no. of sessions of the entire flow and increase Daily Active users.

Assumptions on the Problem Statement

  1. The search section is the page in the flow where users interact the most.
  2. The package page is the one where users will spend time choosing the right package for themselves. Session length could be decreased by giving the users as much simplified and important information as possible.
  3. We had to try and understand what all information could be made more concise and how we could decrease memory overload on the users.
  4. We needed to discuss the pain points users might be facing based on our understanding such as difficulty in searching for the right holiday packages which can include finding the right accommodations or flights or their frustration with the processes which will affect users’ decision-making due to which they might drop off.
  5. We had to find ways to increase the daily active users by suggesting ways to increase users’ engagement and bringing them back on the app more frequently which felt a little contradicting to me since it also said to target the session length. So, we decided to find ways to increase the user base of the app.
Assumptions on the Flow

Business Metrics targeted: -

👉Decrease Session lengths and the number of sessions

👉To increase the DAUs (Daily Active Users)

Who could be our target users?

Based on our experiences of using the MMT app, we assumed that holiday packages would generally be used by Couples, Backpackers, and Families in the age group of 18–40 years who have recently traveled, will be traveling in the near future, or never planned holiday on their own. We decided to recruit people staying in hotels in our local area.

User flow

👉To understand any problem statement, we decided to break it down to understand for whom it is, how will it impact them and how is the business affected by exploring the existing flow of the product.

Steps involved in the flow were: — Home page> Holiday page> Choose package> Build cart> Book now.

Few of us were new users of the app so we didn’t have many biases before evaluating the flow.

Given the limitations on time and resources, we chose to focus our efforts on the package section for the evaluation.

Check the complete flow here: — Source

🎯 ☀️ I tried to involve myself in all the stages, but we all bring different strengths to the table

Although we all were involved throughout the process there were some sections I contributed the most to and led as well:-

  1. I led the Secondary research.
  2. I contributed to: -
  • Hypothesizing Assumptions
  • Heuristic Analysis
  • Ideation & Brainstorming
  • Analyzing the results of testing
  • Determining pain points
  • Validating the hypothesis with the desk research
  • Reviewing the UI and Documentation

Apart from this I constantly tried to ask questions whenever possible or doubts which helped my team to see things more deeply and helped in strengthening our team spirit and made sure we all were on the same page on every step.

Major problems identified with the flow

We evaluated all the steps in the flow to find parts that could be frustrating or problematic for the users.

We conducted a validation process for a total of 9 issues and prioritized the top 3 most critical problems within the app. These issues had a significant impact on session length and retention rate.

Despite the constraints, we were able to address a majority of the issues.

Some of the problems which we found in the flow are:-

  • The users have to input details of their journey every time they opened the search page.
  • The users are unable to input the return date and might get frustrated, which might lead to drop-off.
  • The users are not able to add more than 3 adults; however, there is a message which says, “Maximum 4 guests are allowed,” which can confuse users.

and so on…

🚩 Evaluating the existing flow and identifying problems:

Now that we have a brief idea about the project, it is time to understand how we found the issues within the app itself. In the following stage, we decided to start our evaluation of the app.

Heuristic and Intuition based Analysis

Starting with the Heuristic-based evaluation, we used Jakob’s 10 Heuristic Principles, which allowed us to understand, based on those principles, the issues within the app which the users might face. Other than Heuristic-based evaluation, we also considered Intuition-based evaluation, where we found issues based on our intuitions.


Framing Hypothesis Statements

We were done with the heuristic evaluation and came up with a few issues with MMT; we were not sure if they were actually real users’ problems or not, as we did not validate them with any data or research. Therefore, we hypothesized some of the probable solutions for the issues we found in the flow, which I will further discuss in the ideation part. Hence, these are the hypothesis which we laid down.

Search page (Screen 02):

  1. My Hypothesis is that users should be provided with their recent searches because my assumption is that users will have to fill all 4 input fields again and again whenever he comes for a new session, thereby increasing the session length.
  2. My Hypothesis is that users should be getting the bottom sheet with individual filters because my assumption is that users will have to go through each page, again and again, thereby breaking the flow and also increasing session length.
  3. My Hypothesis is that users should be getting the freedom to add a return date because my assumption is that users will have to spend time looking for a return date, or they might be confused with adding a return date hence increasing the session length.

Destination page (Screen 04):

  1. My Hypothesis is that users should be getting the search history because my assumption is that system doesn’t provide information to help the user to recall his favorite Destinations and last viewed. Hereby making users remember loads of info.

Total Number of package pages (Screen 05):

  1. My Hypothesis is that users should be provided with an accurate number of packages because my assumption is that users might get a confused understanding if there are other packages as well which are not visible to them, which not only increases session length but might also break the flow.

Date selection page (Screen 06):

  1. My Hypothesis is that India and International should be removed because it competes with all the other relevant information on the screen and hinders the experience.
  2. My Hypothesis is that Holiday packages should be replaced with Select dates because my assumption is that users might get confused since it is not showing their current system status and might break their flow.

Guest adding page (Screen 07):

  1. My Hypothesis is that users attempting to add more users then they should be getting some pop-ups because my assumption is that the user might keep on hitting the + icon, but there’s no system status about that, and it can lead to breaking user flow and app drop off.

Package page (Screen 11):

  1. My Hypothesis is that users should be getting “sort by” on the screen itself rather than deep inside the filter because my assumption is that as a user, they might not find the option in the first place and hence significantly increase session length as they have to figure out the sort by option.
  2. My Hypothesis is that the app should be following an internal consistency because my assumption is that a user might be facing in understanding the filter bar as they are not maintaining proper consistency.
  3. My Hypothesis is that users should have the ability to view the ratings of the packages because my assumption is that, as a user, they might not be able to make better decisions as they do not have a metric to rely upon.

Package Detail page (Screen 13):

  1. My Hypothesis is that the user should be provided with a wishlist button on the package card because my assumption is that it will be more efficient for the user rather than opening the package to the next page hence saving time as well.
  2. My Hypothesis is that the overview from the itinerary section should be removed because my assumption is that the ‘Itinerary’ drop-down doesn’t show the itinerary details. Instead, it shows other information regarding the place.
  3. My Hypothesis is that the icons should be given the background to have a better contrast because my assumption is that the user may not be able to recognize the icons all of a sudden, and also, it is not maintaining consistency with the app itself.
  4. My Hypothesis is that the color of the wishlist icon should be changed to something, for example, red, because my assumption is that the user might get confused with the rest of the icons as they are white as well.
  5. My Hypothesis is that the package detail page should be moved to the bottom of the screen because my assumption is that the ‘Grand Offers’ part is not so relevant on the Package Detail page. The Grand Offers is competing with other relevant information on the page; this might hinder the conversion rate.
  6. My Hypothesis is that there should be a noticeable separation between the days because my assumption is that there is no flow of information in the Itinerary. Users might get overwhelmed, not understand, and get lost on the page.

Secondary Research

1. Desk research: What was our motive behind it?

We wanted to understand the demography of MMT and other factual and statiscal information about it.

To find out factual and statistical information about how the users react to certain features in the existing travel booking and holiday booking apps and what are their pain points and what they prefer instead.

To find out how user experience is impacting the MMT business metrics like Session length and DAUs.

We wanted to research data in order to validate our hypothesis.

About MakeMyTrip:

MakeMyTrip Ltd (MakeMyTrip) is an online travel company. It offers air tickets, hotel accommodation, bus tickets, rail tickets, travel packages, car hire, and other travel requirements such as access to visa processing and travel insurance. MakeMyTrip provides access to all major domestic full-service and low-cost airlines operating in India. The company offers its services through a wide range of distribution channels, including websites, call centers, airport counters and travel stores, travel agents’ networks in India, and mobile service platforms. At present, the top countries where the app is used are illustrated in the diagram below.

Around 48 % of mobile users in the U.S. are comfortable researching, planning, and booking an entire trip to a new travel destination using only their smartphone.

The online travel industry is booming in APAC, and there’s no end in sight. At $82B, online sales already represent 25% of Asia’s total travel market.

Audience composition can reveal a site’s current market share across various audiences.’s audience is 62.72% male and 37.28% female. The largest age group of visitors is 25–34-year-olds

48% of consumers read reviews on sites like Amazon and Yelp before making purchases according to BrightLocal. The numbers strongly back up this idea. 91% of internet users have read online reviews to determine the quality of a local business. When the number of reviews exceeds 25, businesses experience a 108% increase in revenue when compared to the average. Conversely, a company with fewer than four reviews will earn 24% less revenue.

👉🏼 Hypothesis #1:

My Hypothesis is that users attempting to add more users then they should be getting some pop-ups because my assumption is that users might keep on hitting “+”, but there’s no system status about that in the present scenario, and it can lead to breaking user flow and app drop off.


The purpose of a callout is to direct the reader’s or viewer’s attention to a specific area of an image or article to facilitate clear communication. (Source: Lifewire)

👉🏼 Hypothesis #2:

My Hypothesis is that users should have the ability to view the ratings of the packages because my assumption is that, as a user, they might not be able to make better decisions as they do not have a metric to rely upon.


2. Competitor Analysis

Now moving ahead, we attempted to do a competitor analysis where we selected 3 apps (2 direct competitors: Agoda, Expedia, and 1 indirect competitor: Zomato) to analyze their flows and to get an understanding of how they provide similar services to the users and use similar features to validate our hypothesis.

Crucial Insights from Competitor Analysis

1. Both the direct competitor apps which are Agoda and Expedia are providing the option of viewing the recent searches of the users. This in turn helps the user to make a quick decision and even makes it easy and efficient and leads to a reduction in session length.


Our hypothesis is that users should be provided with their recent searches because my assumption is that users will have to fill all 4 input fields again and again whenever he comes for a new session, thereby increasing the session length.

2. Both Agoda and Expedia are also providing the option to add return dates simultaneously with the starting date, making it less confusing to the user.


Our hypothesis is that users should be getting the freedom to add a return date because our assumption is that users will have to spend time looking for a return date or they might be confused with adding a return date hence increasing the session length.

3. All three apps have provided the users with the option to view the ratings. This helps the user to make a wise decision.


Our hypothesis is that users should have the ability to view the ratings of the packages because our assumption is that as a user they might not be able to make better decisions as they do not have a metric to rely upon.

4. Agoda and Zomato are providing the sort button to the user which is very much accessible to the user. They are even providing the user with favorite items without even opening the card.


Our hypothesis is that users should be getting “sort by” on the screen itself rather than deep inside the filter because our assumption is that as a user they might not find the option in the first place and hence it will significantly increase the session length as they have to figure out the sort by option.

Primary Research: Meeting our Users

The purpose of this study was to find out how our target group plans their holidays, what they look for when they plan their holidays, and what was their expectation when it comes to traveling.

It was also to find out how would the actual users find the flow of the MMT app to understand the usability issues of the app in order to validate our hypothesis (if they do get validated).

For this, we prepared a questionnaire and some tasks for our target audience which we asked them during the interviews that one of our team members (Beena) took. As mentioned before, Beena lives in a touristy place and had access to real users like tourist families and couples, etc nearby her who were our users for this research.

For the interview, these were the questions:-

1. How do you generally plan your holiday?

2. What comes to your mind when it comes to holidays?

3. Can you describe how you booked your last holiday?

4. When was the last time you booked a holiday package and how did you go about it?

5. How would you select your package, like on what basis?

6. What particularly do you look for on a holiday?

7. Are you familiar with MakeMyTrip App?

8. If yes, how did you come to know about the app?

9. When was the last time you used the app and for which purpose?

10. Annually how often do you plan your holidays?

11. Do you prefer booking packages or do you book hotels and transportation individually?

12. Who assists you while booking holiday packages?

13. Do you prefer traveling alone, with family or as a couple, or as a group?

14. How would you shortlist from the selection?

15. So I will provide you with a task right now, can you perform the task and think out loud about what you feel about while performing it?

So to be precise, we interviewed 6 users namely- 2 backpackers, 2 couples, and 2 families.

List of tasks to be performed-

1. Assuming you’re going with 4 of your friends, Can you book a package to Goa?

2. Assuming you’re traveling alone, Book the cheapest package to Nainital.

3. Add a Dolphin Trip Activity on your Honeymoon vacation to the Maldives.

4. Check out the details of a package to Delhi and add it to your wishlist.

User journey mapping from Primary Research interviews

Behavioral Insights from Primary Testing

1. “Filter option modification may require more in-depth research because we couldn’t find any issues with the primary testing.”

👉However, we observed that the user was checking the sort option which is inside the filter option to set the price from low to high.

2. “After multiple clicks they realised that there’s no option for end date selection.”

👉We observed that on the date selection page after selecting the start date user kept on clicking the other number to consider it as an end date. But every time when the user does this, the last selected number becomes the start date.

3. “When user closed the app and reopened, they were unable to find their last browsing history.”

4. “When user added number of guests, after selecting 3 adults they kept on clicking but the app didn’t allow them to add more number of guests.”

👉However, they were able to add 1 child. The user didn’t notice the Information sticky.

5. “User asked how to add more persons to the booking.”

👉This made it clear that Add another Room option was not visible to the user.

6. “At first user was not able to find any option for wishlisting their selections on the feed page.”

👉We asked users to narrow down their searches to visit later. Later the user found the wishlist on the itinerary page.

7. “After adding their favorites the user was unable to find out where they are saved.”

8. “User asked where is the review section so he can check for the reviews.”

9. “We observed that the user was getting confused about which package to select.”

10. “We observed that the user was tapping on itinerary heading without scrolling down.”

11. “User tapped on offers next to the total amount that was mentioned in the bottom of the page but realised it was unresponsive.”

12.To select a new flight, the app directly took user to the flight selection page to select the other available flight breaking the flow of checkout.”

👉At the final stage, before proceeding to payment the user got an error message of ‘flight not available on the selected dates’.

🕗November 5th, 2022


Once we had the idea regarding the issues which we needed to resolve, we started coming up with the HMW (How Might We) questions. For the following, we used the Crazy 8 technique and came up with as many solutions as possible.


The HMWs and their ideations are as follows:

How might we make it easier for the users to recall their search history? (P1)

  1. Drop down in search with previous search history.
  2. Recent searches under the search.
  3. Navigation of “Previous searches >”

How might we ease the process of date selection for the users? (P0)

  1. Adding a return date option on the search page.
  2. Single date screen where they are able to add both starting date and return date.

How might we ensure that users are able to understand that they are on the right page?

  1. Replacing “Holiday Packages” with “Select Dates”
  2. Adding a status bar to understand the current app status of the user.

How might we ensure that the users are able to understand that there is a limit to adding more than 3 adults? (P2)

  1. When the person attempts to add more users, then they should be getting some pop-ups.
  2. There should be information provided besides 4 Guests for the individual adults and children.
  3. An indication of the maximum limit below the numerical bar.

How might we ensure that users are able to choose their destination easily?

  1. Having a search history.
  2. Having popular places as suggestions to the users.
  3. Pictures to show a visual representation of past search history.
  4. Popular tour packages.

How might we ensure that the users are able to locate the detailed itinerary information without any confusion?

  1. To remove the overview from the itinerary section
  2. The overview can be collapsible.

How might we create a cohesive flow of information which is easy to understand for the users?

  1. The system should convey the fact that the entire itinerary is editable. Therefore, we can provide an edit with your itinerary dropdown.
  2. Providing recommended activities.
  3. Make the section for private transfer consistent with the flow.
  4. Giving a noticeable separation between the days.
  5. Decrease repetitive information in the heading of each section and provide relevant information.

How might we make sure that the icons are clearly visible to the users?

  1. Keeping the wish listing on the side of the name to make it more accessible for the users.
  2. The icon could be changed to something like Insta Bookmark.
  3. Giving a background to the icons to make them contrasting and hence, more accessible also will maintain consistency within the app.

How might we provide users with a metric to judge the trustworthiness of a package?

  1. Provide ratings that users can use to judge.
  2. Provide metrics regarding how many users have chosen this package.


Now, we had ideated on the solutions which we tried to brainstorm upon and create on paper to give them a form and to get a clarity on how will they work on a real screen.

Brainstorming ideas

⭐️Comparison between the Original UI and the Revamped UI

1. Search page

  1. Added the return date option which would help decrease the session length and user drop-off.
  2. We added the Continue your search CTA which will allow users to continue with their last search without adding the details again and thus decreasing the session length.

2. Destination Search Page

  1. Added the Search history to decrease cognitive load and session length.

3. Date Selection Page

  1. Added the return date signifier as users were facing problems in selecting the return date. It helps in decreasing session length, gives the user more control, and increases the retention rate.
  2. Added the Flexible with Return date option so that users won’t have to spend time looking for return date if they are not sure about their return date hence, decreasing the session length.

4. Rooms and Guests Selection page

  1. To make the user more aware of the number of Adults that can be added to a room, we added a Callout message which appears as soon as the user clicks + to add more than 3 Adults in a room.

5. Search Results page

  1. Added the rating out of 5 based on the user reviews to provide the users a metric to compare the packages based on the user experiences.

6. Package Description page

  1. Changed the heading from Itinerary to Overview with the entire MMT Expert’s message as a drop-down.
  2. The Itinerary section starts below the Overview which made more sense to the user compared to Itinerary as the overall heading. Also removed the Grand Offers section as it wasn’t clickable and caused confusion amongst the users.
  3. The heart button turns red as the user clicks on it to make it externally consistent.
  4. Changed the appearance of the “Day 1, 2…” bar to catch more attention from the users since the information it carries is important and it wasn’t visibly distinguished enough before.

==Back to Index==

🕧 November 6th, 2022

Meeting them again

It was crucial for us to know if our solutions were even working or not. For this purpose, we decided to do User testing because as designers what we, as designers think, would work the best might be a new frustrating juggling game for the users.

Our primary research was conducted with users staying in nearby hotels, so now for usability testing, we again hunted a new set of users to perform the task. And the feedback was a little mixed. The insights are as follows:-

1. Start and end dates were clicked efficiently, but the user counted the number of days.

2. It again took the user some time to perform the next action when they exceeded the maximum number of guests they could add to the room.

3. Rating system helped user to make decision.

4. User efficiently used wishlist icon to shortlist their searches.

5. User didn’t use flexible with the date option.

6. After using filter and applying price range, user used sort button and clicked on lowest price in this section.

7. We observed users looking for text based reviews.

A/B Testing

After considering the insights from Usability testing we faced different opinions among the team members regarding designing the “Flexible with the date” option. There was a discussion within our team as to where we should provide that option, and we came up with two idle places to include it:-

  1. On the search page, just after the date selection option.
  2. On the calendar page at the bottom of the screen.

So, we decided to do A/B Testing to finalize which flow to go with. Our motive was to understand which flow is the users more comfortable with using. In addition to that, we were also able to gather new insights for other solutions that we had added to the flow which made us iterate on the UI again.

The insights from A/B Testing are as follows:-

Insights from A/B Testing

Probing question- Would you please access the flexibility option? what do you feel about it?

User said that they found the option on the search page more relevant and user friendly.

Observation -some users clicked on the flexible with return date on the search page and some didn’t and similarly with the option on calendar page.

Some users were confused if the package has been wish listed or not since the color of the heart button becomes white after clicking on it

▶️ Check Flow A Here

▶️ Check Flow B Here

Final Changes after Usability Testing

After studying the insights from the usability test, these are the changes that we came up with.

1. We added the “Flexible with return date” on the search page.

2. Provided a red outline when the number of adults reached 3 to make the user realise to stop.

3. Added text to the calendar to show “Start Date” and “End Date”.

  1. We added the “flexible with return” CTA:-

So that users won’t have to spend time looking for return date if they are not sure about their return date hence, decreasing the session length.

To give the users more options of packages because if they have a fixed return date then they’ll have limited options to select from and might not find a relevant package according to their choice. (Through this we also tried to balance the “add a return date” option; thus not making the users learn something new by giving the users a way to follow the same flow(not having to decide the return date) but with more choices in the available packages now).

It can help in increasing the conversion rate and accommodating the attention of customers who are looking for such flexibility thus resulting in an increase in DAUs.

Changes made after Usability Testing: The signifier showing the number of adults added turns red if the user clicks + to add more than three adults. We noticed that Users were still clicking to add more than 3 adults even when the callout message was there.

Removed the Flexible with Return date option from here and shifted to the Search page after we discussed the insights from AB Testing.

  1. We added start and end date text in the blank spaces for the dates so that the user would know what are they selecting.

Final Prototype

Structure of our UI:

Athvik and Suman led the UI for the project and created the base elements required for the UI design process using auto layout and they are responsive. Therefore, in the future, if there are any changes introduced within the project they could be done seamlessly. I participated in reviewing the UI along with others and pitching in my views in multiple decisions taken regarding the UI.

Learnings from this Project

  1. I basically got a peak into how evaluative problem-solving happens in a real-world scenario in tight timelines.
  2. Learned how to approach different design processes like Heuristic analysis, Primary testing, A/B Testing, etc.
  3. Learned that I need to trust my own intuition as well while solving problems and not entirely rely on external validation but also understood the importance of the latter.
  4. Learned how to collaborate with colleagues on solving the same problem and how to divide tasks amongst ourselves to complete the sprint within the given timeline.
  5. Learned how to prioritize problems in hand according to the impact they will have on the business and the user experience.

Future Scope

  • In the future, I would like to improve the review section with a more transparent display of reviews.
  • We couldn’t really bring any solution that might improvise the DAUs because of the time constraints so, I would like to work on improving the DAUs by introducing a story feature on the MMT app and bringing in interaction among travelers.
  • I want to improvise the itinerary page flow because the information is badly arranged in it almost giving no space for information to get any right attention.
  • I want to work on the offers section of the flow.

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