Revolutionizing Travel: The Impact of Expedia’s Influencer Itinerary Feature on Enhancing DAU and Retention

UXM Community
Published in
17 min readJan 17, 2023

How many times have you thought about going on a vacation but had no motivation to plan it?

Think about all the endless hours you spent exploring destinations, scrolling through reviews and trying to piece together the perfect itinerary. Tired of the usual pre-made itineraries that are too boring, with limited options to choose from or lacking that personal touch you always wanted for that dream vacation?

What if I told you that there’s a way to make “planning” vacations more efficient and definitely way more fun?

Penny for your thought but let’s get into the actual deal here.

As a part of the Product Design Challenge conducted by my mentor Anudeep Ayyagari, I Introduced the game-changing addition of the Influencer Itinerary feature on the Expedia app.

Imagine having the inside scoop on the best places to visit and things to do in your destination, all curated by your favourite influencers from all over the world. Be it Paris, Dubai or Bali, plan the perfect trip with curated insider tips, tricks and suggestions from top influencers using this feature.

In this case study, we will take a deep dive into the positive impact of this new feature on Daily Active Users (DAU) and Retention Rates of Expedia. Discover how this feature has transformed the way we plan trips and how it can benefit you. Let’s get started!”

Index 🗂

The How, When, What and Why📋

Figuring out the Problem Statement 💥

Starting with the Work

Studying the Existing Flow👩‍💻

Research 👩‍🔬

A New Addition — The solution

The Initial UI 🎈

UI after User Testing 🚩

Detailed Documentation

Competitor Research 📱

Figuring out the Gaps

Exploring Use Cases 🤸‍♀️


User testing — Detailed 🤝


Future Scope

Learnings 📔

The How, When, What and Why 📋


Just like any other sprints conducted by Anudeep this one too was just for 48 hours. We opened with an opening call which explained the whole process, the deadlines, and a rough plan of action and off we were to another intense yet exciting project.


After the opening call, we met as a group and created a team document on Figma and immediately started our work. There were certain hiccups in between but we managed to get a grip and wired on our individual tasks with the whole team backing us up when we got stuck anywhere.


We were divided into groups, each team was provided with an app to work on. Since this was an exploratory project, a new feature had to be added to the existing app. A list with all potential areas of exploration was given from which each person had to choose an area and individually work on it.

The area I chose was Influencer itineraries, discounts and travel tips which I scoped down to Influencer itineraries and travel tips which in itself was a very vast topic.


We have all seen pre-made itineraries in many travel apps, but an Influencer itinerary is a new and unique concept that I wanted to explore further. The idea behind an Influencer itinerary is that it is curated by top influencers around the world, who have first-hand knowledge and experience of the destinations they are creating itineraries for. They provide insider tips and tricks, and recommendations for places to visit, eat, drink, and shop that are off the beaten path, giving travellers a more authentic and unique experience.

Figuring out the Problem Statement💥

Once we were all set to start with our project. It was now time to make our problem statement. As always I did a little bit of digging into how influencer itineraries work. I researched a bit more on pre-made itineraries and how users use them to get a better understanding of how to move forwards.

This time we used a pretty unconventional yet relevant method to do this. We were all asked to seek the help of Chat GPT to organise our information for the problem statement.

After gathering all the relevant information I required, I jotted them down on my notepad. With the prompts made clear, I used Chat GPT to organise my data and give me a clearer and more organised problem statement.

Check it out here.

Problem Statement

Company Name: Expedia

Feature name: Influencer Itineraries and Travel Tips

Context: Expedia is looking to expand its marketing efforts and increase brand awareness through partnerships with influencers in the travel industry.

The core idea of the feature: The feature would allow Expedia to offer customized itineraries and travel tips from popular influencers to its users. These itineraries and tips would be curated by the influencers and could be based on their personal travel experiences or their expertise in a specific destination.

Impact on business metrics: It is expected that this feature will increase customer engagement and loyalty, leading to higher customer retention and an increase in bookings.

Constraints: Launching a new feature into the app should make sure of its technical feasibility as well as its performance among the users since it has not been explored much which increases the risk since the users are not familiar with the feature. Another main constraint for this feature will be securing partnerships with influencers and negotiating mutually beneficial terms. Additionally, there may be technical constraints in terms of integrating the influencer content into the Expedia platform.

Assumptions to be taken beforehand: It is assumed that users will be interested in receiving personalized travel recommendations and tips from influencers and that this will increase their willingness to book travel through Expedia. It is also assumed that influencer partnerships will be cost-effective and financially viable for the company.

Starting with the work

Studying the existing flow 👩‍💻

Soon after the problem statement was made, I went through the existing app to see how it functioned. The Indian version of the app didn't have many features in it, especially one that deals with itineraries. Collecting all the useful resources from the existing app I started my work to create the new feature.

Existing flow of the app to book a stay

Research 👩‍🔬

Since this was a completely new feature that has to be added to the app, I needed to find some inspiration on how to go about it. Even with the time constraints I went ahead and observed a few other travel apps like MMT, Tripadvisor, Wanderlog etc.

A New Addition — The solution

As I moved on to the final stage of creating high-fidelity UI designs, my team and I first established a component library and defined the app’s text and colour styles. This helped us to streamline the design process and ensure consistency across all screens. By having these elements defined beforehand, we were able to focus on the individual UI designs without worrying about the small details and save time in the process.”

The Initial UI 🎈

As this was a completely new feature being added to the app, most of the screens had to be built from scratch, which was an overwhelming task as I didn’t have an existing base to work on and refine. Despite the challenges, I continuously referred to the existing app and my low-fidelity wireframes to ensure consistency throughout the design process. This helped me to keep the design cohesive and aligned with the overall user flow and layout.

Check out my Final Screens here❗

Home Screen

1. Introduced cards of the influencer itineraries on the homepage

I gave multiple cards of influencer itineraries based on the travel destination on the home page itself since it’s more prominent and it’s unlikely for the users to miss it here.

The profile icon below the cards gives information about who the itinerary belongs

A small description is given about what to expect inside.

The heart button which is consistent throughout the app has been given to wishlist itineraries.


The purpose of this screen is to give users a detailed overview of the destination they have selected.

2. The image and the description below given give users a glimpse of the place from the influencer’s point of view and give them a sense of what to expect.

3. To enhance the user’s experience and make it more dynamic, I integrated the Instagram reels of the influencer into the feature.

This allows users to have a more visual understanding of the places and experiences recommended by the influencer.

The reels give the users a glimpse of the atmosphere, ambience, and overall vibe of the place, providing them with a more authentic and engaging experience.

4. To increase user engagement and create a sense of excitement, I introduced a ‘Must Not Miss’ list in the feature, which highlights the top-recommended stays, activities, and restaurants.

This list is curated by the influencer, and it showcases the best that the destination has to offer. It serves as a quick reference guide for the users and catches their attention, making them want to experience these places for themselves.

5. To make the user’s decision-making process easier, I included a feedback section in the feature where users can read reviews and ratings from other users who have already experienced the places recommended by the influencer.

This feedback section provides users with valuable information about the quality of the content and helps them to make informed decisions.

It also allows users to share their own experiences, which can help improve the feature for future users.

Further tips and advice button is provided in this screen which takes the users to a separate screen taking about all the tips and advice from the influencers as well as other travellers who has already been to the destination using the itinerary.


The stay option was already available in the app, so I didn’t make many changes on this screen. The only changes made were to align the design with the new feature, the influencer itinerary. The users can still access and book the hotels and accommodation options as before

6. To improve the user’s navigation experience, I introduced a top navigation bar in the feature with the options “Overview”, “Stay”, and “Explore”.

This allows users to easily access different screens and content within the itinerary card. This top navigation bar makes it more convenient for users to access the information they need, and it also makes the overall layout more structured, making it easy to find the information you need.


7. To provide users with more personalized and curated experiences, I introduced a section called “Picks by the Influencer”.

This section highlights the top recommendations and personal favourites of the influencer. It gives users a chance to discover places and experiences that the influencer is particularly passionate about. This section is a great way for users to get a taste of what the influencer loves about the destination and can serve as an inspiration for their own trip planning.

It also allows the users to have a more authentic and local experience without putting much thought into finding and planning it

8. To ensure that users don’t miss out on any exciting activities at their destination, I introduced an “Experience it all” section in the feature.

This section provides users with a list of fun and exciting activities that they can try out while they are at the destination.

The activities are curated by the influencer and include a wide range of options. This section makes it easy for users to discover new things to do and make the most of their trip.

9. To provide users with a taste of the local food scene, I included a section called “Flavors of the Middle East” in the feature. This section showcases the top restaurant and eatery recommendations by the influencer that users must try.

10 To cater to users who are looking for an immersive cultural experience, I introduced a feature that focuses on cultural activities, walks around the city and other culturally enriching experiences.

This feature is designed to provide users with a deeper understanding of the local culture and history. It includes a range of curated activities and experiences recommended by the influencer.

These activities provide users with an opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture and gain a unique perspective on the destination.

Check out the Initial Prototype here

UI after User Testing 🚩

Once I was done with the initial UI it was now time to test it with real users. I tested it with 3 volunteers from the UXM community and got many valuable insights and feedback. From the feedback provided, I took note of the high-severity problems and started solving them.

Check out the UI screens after User Testing here.

Home Screen before and after User Testing

1. The stays have been highlighted to clearly inform users that they will be viewing content related to accommodation options, rather than flights. This helps to improve the user experience by allowing them to quickly find the information they need.

2. A “Start Planning” button has been added to the destination recommendations, to inform users that the cards displayed are not just destination recommendations but also a part of the itinerary planning feature. This button helps the users to understand that they can create an itinerary using the suggestions and recommendations provided.

3. The profile icon of the influencer has been made tappable, leading users to a screen with information about the influencer and all their itineraries. This makes it easy for users to dentify the influencers and explore a variety of travel options and recommendations.

Influencer Profile

A dedicated screen has been added to give users a brief overview of the influencer and direct access to all the itineraries created by them. This allows users to easily discover new influencers, know more about them and explore a variety of travel options and recommendations.

To address user feedback about difficulty in visualizing the data input screen for creating itineraries, I created a visual representation of the screen to help users understand how to input their preferences and generate a personalized itinerary.

Overview Screen before and after User Testing

4. The information regarding the dates of travel and number of travellers has been prominently displayed on top of the overview screen, making it easy for users to quickly identify and edit as needed, this will help users to make changes to their itinerary as per their convenience.

5. The Instagram profile name of the influencer has been included in the itinerary, so that users can easily identify and learn more about who the content belongs to.

6. Mentioned “for how many” alongside the price for better understanding for the users.

7. Using the word “testimonials” instead of “feedback” in the context of itinerary reviews gives the users a better understanding that the reviews are from individuals who have actually used the itinerary and provide valuable insight into their experience.

Stay Screen before and after User Testing

8. To make the itineraries created by influencers more personal and unique, I added tags such as “picks by the influencer” to various activities and stays within the itinerary. This allows users to easily identify and follow the recommendations made by their favourite influencers, and have a more personalized travel experience.

Explore Screen before and after User Testing

9. A new “Add to itinerary” button has been added to the app, allowing users to easily add activities they are interested into their itinerary for the destination. This feature allows them to customize their trip and plan their own personalized travel experience based on the recommendations of influencers.

10. Price for activities, whether for individuals or groups, is clearly mentioned for better user understanding.

11. The location of each eatery or restaurant is provided in the itinerary, helping users to quickly and easily locate and navigate to the places they want to visit.

Adding to Itinerary

A pop-up feature has been added to help users add activities to specific dates of their trip, making it more organized and convenient for them. This allows them to easily plan and schedule their desired activities according to their preferences and availability.

Itinerary Screen

A dedicated itinerary screen has been added to the app, giving users easy access to their personalized itinerary and allowing them to view, edit and make changes to their plans at any time.

Check out the final Prototype here


Check out the final prototype here

▶ Page 1 — Expedia Proto

Detailed Documentation

Competitor Research 📱

Adding a new feature to an app like Expedia requires a lot of research and planning. As this feature was completely new, I needed to find some inspiration on how to approach it. Despite the time constraints, I took the time to observe other travel apps such as Make My Trip, Tripadvisor, and Wanderlog to gather ideas and insights. By studying the features and user interface of these apps, I was able to identify common patterns and trends that could be incorporated into my design. This research also helped me understand user needs and preferences and make informed decisions on how to improve the user experience. Overall, this research was crucial in helping me understand the competitive landscape and creating a feature that was both useful and user-friendly.

Check out the detailed competitor analysis below.

Competitor Research

Figuring out the Gaps ✔

After conducting thorough competitor research, I answered a set of questions to gather further insights and improve the UI of the app. These questions helped me understand user needs and preferences, identify industry trends, and make informed design decisions.

Some of them were

What will users do while using the feature you are building? Get detailed, think of all possibilities- how users will find it, what will they try to do from start to finish, whether will they get stuck anywhere etc.

  • Users can find the feature on the homepage itself — Can be a carousel of itineraries that the user can explore
  • Once they access a particular itinerary, the user can either book it as a whole or book parts of it
  • Users will be able to read travel tips and advice from the influencers who have created the itineraries, which could include recommendations on where to go, what to do, and how to make the most of their trips.
  • After booking an influencer itinerary, users will be able to leave feedback and ratings on the itinerary, which could help other users decide which itineraries to book and provide valuable insights to the influencers and Expedia.
  • If users encounter any issues or get stuck while using the Influencer Itineraries and Travel Tips feature, they will be able to access Expedia's already existing customer support for assistance.

What is the product? Who is the target user? What problem are you trying to solve with your feature?

  • The product is a travel app that provides Influencer Itineraries and Travel Tips features on the Expedia platform.
  • The target user is anyone who is planning a trip and is looking for inspiration and recommendations from influencers. (Mostly young adults, families, and solo travellers who are into travelling)
  • The problem that this feature is trying to solve is providing users with a new source of inspiration and recommendations for their trips, and making it easier for them to discover and book travel plans that suit their needs and preferences. The feature also saves time for the user

What assumptions do you have? (This can be about anything — about the feature, the product, user behaviour etc)

  • It is assumed that we will be making the Indian version of the app since it's different for different countries.
  • It is assumed that influencers will have a large and engaged following that trusts their recommendations.
  • It is assumed that users will be interested in discovering and booking travel plans created by their favourite influencers and that they will be willing to pay for the same.
  • It is assumed that influencers will be willing to participate in the program and create itineraries for their followers and that they will be able to provide high-quality recommendations and travel tips.
  • It is assumed that these itineraries will be constantly updated with regard to price, duration etc
  • It is assumed that users will be able to easily navigate the Influencer Itineraries and Travel Tips feature and find the information they are looking for.

What is your competitor doing with the same feature?

  • while none of the competitors has an influencer itinerary, they do have premade itineraries users could use. This includes recommendations for stay, activities, eateries etc.
  • Some apps provide everything from stay to activities. The users can select each according to their requirements.
  • Some apps only provide itineraries for the activities which the user an select according to their preference from the list

Exploring Use Cases 🤸‍♀️

Some use cases taken into consideration were while building the feature was

  • Users travelling with their family want to know great options where they can explore everything without too much work and would like to make the most of their time there following the itinerary curated by parent influencers who suggest them unique activities and spots their kids are likely to enjoy
  • Solo travellers, who would like to be a bit more adventurous and culturally inclined activities and like to explore the hidden gems of the city recommended by his/her favourite travel influencer
  • A group of friends going on vacation wants to follow an itinerary curated by their favourite influencer who has visited the place to figure out the most happening places there.
  • A foodie who wants to explore the food of the place he/she visited wants to follow an itinerary curated by a famous food influencer they love who has explored the country’s best restaurants and eateries.

I have taken a holistic approach while designing this feature, and have tried to incorporate all types of use cases to make it more versatile and useful for a wide range of users. My goal was to create a feature that is not only tailored to the needs of specific users but also flexible enough to adapt to different scenarios. By considering multiple use cases, I was able to create a feature that is more user-centred and can meet the needs of a diverse group of users.

Wireframing ✏

With a clear understanding of the user flow and layout, I was able to visualize what each screen of the feature would look like. I quickly took out my notebook and pencil and began sketching low-fidelity wireframes for each screen. This further clarified which element can go where and gave me further clarification about the flow.


User Testing — Detailed 🤝

Once I had completed the initial UI design, it was important to validate the design decisions by testing the initial prototype with real users. I reached out to the UX community and recruited 3 volunteers who were willing to test the new feature.

The testing was done through zoom calls where the users checked out the whole feature and I observed and noted their interactions and collected feedback.

You can check them out here 👇

User Testing

Conclusion ✌

In conclusion, this project aimed to improve the user experience on the Expedia app by introducing a new feature of influencer itineraries and travel tips. Through user testing and feedback, various changes and additions were made to the app, such as introducing an itinerary screen clearly displaying prices, adding personalized tags, providing the clear location and prices etc. These changes and additions helped to enhance the user experience by making it easier for users to use this new addition to the app.

Future Scope ✨

In the future, there are several areas that could have further improvements.

For starters, the UI can be redone and made better. Additional features like sharing personal itineraries with friends and family, personalized recommendations based on past bookings and user preferences, etc can be included.

Learnings 📔

This project has taught me how valuable and insightful user testing is. As you can see there is a drastic change in the features and the final UI post-user testing.

It does not matter how much time you have on your hands, making the best use of it and managing it in the best possible way is the way to o about

You’ve done it, you’ve reached the end of the case study!!🎉

Thank you for reading. I hope you found the case study enjoyable and insightful.

Don't forget to leave your thoughts below. Any feedback or opinions are much appreciated 📝

Check out my LinkedIn profile here.

