UX Case Study: A Design Thinking Approach to Tackling Storage Area Challenges 🏠

Nikita Shadija
14 min readJun 11, 2023


With the design thinking approach, I put myself in users’ shoes to grasp their storage area problems. This helps me uncover their problem related to the area. Next, I build a prototype and gather feedback from real users to make it better.

This helps in creating a solution that matches users’ needs and meets their expectations.

I did this project under the guidance and support of my mentor Anudeep Ayyagari.

Source: https://anicehome.com.au/davidfrank/how-to-maximize-your-house-storage/

For this project, we were divided into a group of eight people to solve different problems dedicated to different areas at home. Our focus areas included the living room, dining area, and home office, among others. Each person picked one area to work on and used design thinking to improve it for the user.

I ended up taking on the challenge of improving the user experience in the storage area.


Why did I choose to work on storage areas❓❓
What is designing thinking?
Empathizing with the users 🙎🙎
Identifying and Defining Problems 🔎
Ideate stage: Generating Innovative Ideas 🔎
Prototyping the Solution 📝
Testing it with the users 👨 👩
My Learnings 💡

Why did I choose to work on storage areas❓

In today’s world, people have a lot of storage and need a place to put it. It’s not just about having enough space but also about organizing things well. When we visit someone’s house, it’s common to hear them complain about not having enough storage and how it affects them. Having good storage is not just convenient but also practical and necessary.

That is why I have decided to use a design thinking approach to improve the user experience of the storage area.

What is designing thinking?

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process used to create new solutions by understanding users, identifying problems, and testing ideas to improve user experience.

Source: https://www.programstrategyhq.com/post/design-thinking-process

It has five phases as mentioned below:

1️⃣ Empathize: Understand users and their needs.

2️⃣ Define: Use gathered insights to identify the core problem.

3️⃣ Ideate: Come up with lots of new ideas.

4️⃣ Prototype: Create tangible representations of selected ideas.

5️⃣ Test: Gather feedback from users and evaluate prototypes.

So let’s start with empathizing with users and understanding their problems……

Empathizing with the users 🙎🙎

As an introverted person, conducting interviews with unfamiliar individuals presented a significant personal challenge.

Stepping outside of my comfort zone and engaging in conversations with strangers felt challenging.

To my surprise, the interview process turned out to be more than just a formal Q&A session. It quickly evolved into a relaxed and engaging conversation, where the atmosphere became comfortable. As a result, my confidence increased, and I began to embrace the interviews as opportunities for meaningful conversations rather than mere data collection.

Prior to the interviews, I consciously reminded myself, “I am not the user.”

The questionnaire I created for the interview served as a helpful guide to me. However, during the actual interview, I also asked leading and probing questions to delve deeper into the topic.

This approach allowed me to gather more comprehensive information and gain valuable insights.

What items in your home require storage?

In which areas of your home do you keep the above-mentioned items?

Can you segregate the storage and identify which items are used daily versus those that are not?

Do you have any multipurpose storage areas?

Can you describe the structure of your storage areas and how are the items organized within them?

If you need to find an item in each storage area or in a single room, what steps or activities would you take?

How long does the above process take?

How spacious are your storage areas in terms of size?

Are they sufficient to keep all of your belongings?

Are the items in your storage areas easily accessible?

How do you differentiate between different items in the storage areas?

How often do you use your storage areas or storage room on a daily basis?

Do you clean your storage areas? If so, how often do you do so?

Why does it require cleaning X number of times?

Are there any termites or insects in your storage areas or storage room?

What do you use to clean your storage areas or storage room?

Where and how do you keep of old items in your house that are of no use?

Where do you keep all the food and household supplies for your home?

Interviewing my users: 📓

To gather valuable insights, I chose five individuals from my group to interview, with each session lasting approximately 30 to 40 minutes. During the interviews, I actively captured important details. With the participants’ permission, I also recorded the interviews to ensure accuracy and have the option to refer back to them if needed in the future.

After conducting interviews with a variety of users, I have found that each individual provides unique insights.

Insights from the interviews :

Identifying and Defining Problems 🔎

After gaining insights into the users’ perspective, I identified the key challenges and problems users were facing. By thoroughly observing their requirements, frustrations, and desires, I have formulated problem statements that can be acted upon.

This will enable me to generate innovative solutions that effectively address the users’ needs.

1️⃣Difficulty in accessing liquids from the utility area, leading to frequent leakage and spills on the rack.

When the hand-washing liquids in the bottle run out, they need to be refilled. She transfers the liquid from the utility area to the bottles, which often results in leaks and spills. The maid also uses the area for washing and sometimes accidentally spills liquids from the bottle while moving the rack.

2️⃣ She needs dedicated storage for occasional shoes as her shoe rack is full of daily wear shoes. Currently, the occasional shoes are scattered in random boxes throughout the house, causing difficulty in finding them and creating clutter.

The shoe rack outside the house is full of casual and daily wear shoes, leaving no room for occasional shoes. This may be due to limited space or having a large number of casual shoes. As a result, occasional shoes are stored in boxes, causing difficulty in finding them and occupying extra space in the house.

3️⃣She needs a more convenient way to access items from the loft area, which is attached to the ceiling. The loft is used to store heavy and occasionally used items, causing her and her family members to spend extra time and effort taking them out.

The loft area is hard to reach as it is attached to the ceiling, involving the use of a stool or chair. Getting heavy items from the loft is challenging and usually requires help from others. It stores items like a swing, a fan, and old clothes that aren’t needed daily. Due to their weight and height, it’s unsafe for one person to lift them alone, risking injury.

4️⃣The user needs a way through which dust can not easily be accumulated over the Iron shelves where she keeps her storage stuff. It will reduce the effort of cleaning required for that area, saving her time and effort.

The problem arises because the iron shelves are open, allowing dust to settle on them. Despite using a cloth to cover the shelves, dust still manages to accumulate. The shelves are located inside her bedroom, which may have windows or balcony doors that allow dust to easily enter the room.

5️⃣ The user needs an easier way to access things from the boxes kept over at some height without having to hold heavy boxes while standing on a chair. Doing this task alone poses a potential risk of harm.

The problem arises because the shelves are located at a height that requires Astha to use a chair or stool for access. The boxes stored on these shelves are heavy, making it challenging to hold them while balancing on a chair or stool.

6️⃣ The user is looking for a simpler way to access containers stored at the back of her kitchen space. The current setup requires her to remove all the containers in front in order to reach the one she needs, which takes up a lot of her time and effort.

In Astha’s kitchen, the containers are arranged one behind the other, making it inconvenient to access the last container directly. To access the container at the back, she has to take out all the containers in front, use the one she needs, and then rearranging all the containers back in their original positions.

7️⃣The user requires additional space for storing his accessories within his table area, as the existing three compartments are already filled with other equipment.

Currently, Swatantra’s table has three compartments attached to it. However, as a content creator, he possesses a significant number of accessories. Unfortunately, these three compartments are insufficient to accommodate all of his accessories, forcing him to keep the remaining items on top of the table.

8️⃣The user needs a simpler way to access items stored inside the bed, especially considering the heavy mattresses that are difficult to lift. This will save the user time and effort, enabling them to use the bed storage whenever necessary. Additionally, the user wants a better method of identifying the stored items, as they are kept inside luggage within the bed.

The problem arises when attempting to access the storage space beneath the bed. In order to do so, the user must first remove the heavy mattresses, which typically require two people. Once the desired items have been taken out, the user must then lift the heavy mattresses back into their original position. This process is time-consuming and physically demanding.

9️⃣The user requires a more efficient method of locating specific items stored within drawers, which will save time and effort by avoiding the need to search through every drawer.

The problem arises from the inability to identify the contents of each drawer, leading to the user having to open multiple drawers in order to find the desired item. With multiple drawers and various items stored inside them, this process becomes time-consuming and inconvenient.

🔟 The user needs a way to access items in the kitchen that are stored at a higher height, as it will enable their family members to reach and access those items easily.

In the kitchen, certain items are stored at heights, that he can easily reach. However, there are times when he is not at home, and his family members need to access the kitchen storage.

Ideate stage: Generating Innovative Ideas 🔎

The ideating stage is a crucial phase in our design-thinking approach to tackling problems. I defined the problem statements during the previous phase,

Now let’s dive into generating innovative ideas that push the boundaries of conventional thinking.

In this stage, we embrace a mindset of “thinking out of the box” to break free from the constraints that limit our imagination.

My goal is to generate a wide range of ideas. To facilitate this process, I am using the “crazy eight” method,

It is a fast sketching exercise that challenges people to sketch eight distinct ideas in eight minutes.

Source: https://designsprintkit.withgoogle.com/methodology/phase3-sketch/crazy-8s

Selecting the Top 3️⃣ Ideas for Optimal User Impact and Experience

From the pool of 51 innovative ideas, I chose three top ideas that will significantly meet user needs and provide them with an exceptional user experience.

1️⃣Use a stair slide to slide heavy items down

Why I chose this idea ❓❓❓

We all know how challenging it can be to carry heavy items while standing on a staircase or a stool.

It poses a significant risk of injury.

Moreover, it’s not always feasible to keep everything within easy reach. Through conversations with users, I discovered that many people store items at higher levels, such as kitchen cabinets, shelves, or lofts area.

Therefore, it is crucial to provide a solution that addresses the difficulties people encounter when accessing items placed at elevated heights.

2️⃣ Implementing an automatic lift mechanism for the bed that will remove the need to manually lift up the bed and simplifies access.

Why I chose this idea ❓❓❓

Beds serve as essential storage spaces in every household.

It is common to find various items stored within the bed, typically managed by the homemakers.

However, accessing these storage compartments involves lifting the mattress. The mattresses are often heavy, requiring significant time and effort to lift them properly.

To address this challenge and streamline the process, I selected the idea of implementing an automatic lift mechanism. This solution aims to eliminate the need for manual lifting, making it effortless and convenient to access the storage spaces within the bed.

3️⃣Including diagonal compartments inside the shoe rack to maximize the storage capacity, allowing more shoes to fit inside the rack.

Why I chose this idea ❓❓❓

Nobody enjoys the last-minute search for shoes before an important occasion.

During discussions with users, I discovered that many individuals encountered issues with their shoe racks. Existing racks were unable to accommodate their entire shoe collection in one place. Mixing everyday shoes with occasional footwear posed a common problem.

Therefore, I decided to pursue the idea of incorporating diagonal compartments in the shoe rack. This innovation would maximize storage capacity, allowing users to store both their daily wear and occasional shoes together. By doing so, users can save time and effort when searching for the right pair of shoes.

After careful consideration, I have chosen the first idea1️⃣, which is the stair slide, as the most important idea.

Its implementation can effectively prevent people from getting harmed while carrying heavy items on the stairs, addressing a critical safety concern.

Prototyping the Solution 📝

Source: https://icons8.com/illustrations/illustration/3d-casual-life-young-man-drawing-a-curve-in-design-program

The Idea

Implementing a stair slide to slide heavy items down.

The Problem

Users encounter difficulties when trying to access items stored at elevated heights, such as boxes placed on shelves.

The current approach of standing on a chair and holding heavy boxes poses a potential risk of harm.

The Solution

I propose a solution that utilizes the existing foldable stairs commonly found in users’ homes.

Alongside the stairs, I will attach an adjustable slider. This slider will serve as a mechanism for items to smoothly slide down from the elevated position.

At the end of the slider, there will be a stopping plate to prevent the items from dropping directly to the floor.

This innovative solution will provide a safer and more convenient way for users to access items stored at higher levels without the need for manual lifting or precarious balancing on a chair. By incorporating this prototype, users can easily and securely retrieve their belongings from elevated storage areas.

Testing it with the users 👨 👩

During user testing, I received valuable feedback that highlighted a significant gap in my solution.

While my solution focused primarily on lifting materials downwards, I overlooked the critical aspect of uplifting them as well.

Users emphasized the importance of dedicating equal efforts to both lifting and uplifting items.

Furthermore, users expressed curiosity about the cost-effectiveness of the solution and how it would benefit the business. It emphasized the importance of considering the economic impact and demonstrating the value proposition of the solution in terms of cost savings.

Upon iterating the solution based on the feedback received :

Based on the feedback received, I have made improvements to the solution. I have added a stopping plate/tray at the end of the slider, which also serves the purpose of uplifting materials. The items are placed on top of the tray, and a hand-operated winch is provided to lift the tray.

The slider is now attached to the ladder and can be detached using hooks at one corner. This way, users can utilize the ladder to climb to higher places where items need to be moved, and the slider can be used to uplift and slide down heavy items, reducing user risk.

By incorporating these enhancements, the solution offers users a safer and more efficient method for accessing items at elevated heights.

To enhance the functionality of the ladder, an adjustable slider will be added to the supporting section of the ladder

Here’s how it will work: 👇

  1. The user will utilize the ladder to safely reach to the desired height where heavy items need to be stored or accessed.
  2. The slider can be securely attached to the ladder. This slider includes a tray specifically designed for holding the items.
  3. Lifting items: To lift the items, they are placed on the tray of the slider. A rotating hand-operated winch is then used to raise the tray and the items to the desired level. This eliminates the need for the user to manually lift the heavy items, reducing the risk of injury.
  4. Sliding the items down: When the user wants to access the items or move them down, the items can simply be slid through the slider. The tray acts as a stopping tool, ensuring that the items do not fall freely to the ground.

By this, users can avoid the physical strain and potential harm associated with manually carrying heavy items up and down the ladder. It provides a safer and more efficient solution for storing and accessing elevated items.

My Learnings 💡

  1. Engaging in a design thinking project provided me with valuable insights into the design thinking approach. I learned how to approach problem-solving from a user-centric perspective, empathizing with their needs and challenges. This approach helped me in generating innovative and impactful solutions.
  2. Communication through User Interviews: Conducting user interviews was a key learning experience for me. It taught me the significance of effective communication in gathering insights and understanding user perspectives. I developed active listening skills, asked relevant questions, and practiced empathy to better connect with interviewees.
  3. The Importance of Observing Physical Products: Another important learning was the value of observing physical products. By closely examining and studying existing products or prototypes, I gained a deeper understanding of their functionality, usability, and user experience.

Thanks for reading my case study….

If you have any further questions, feedback, or opportunities for collaboration, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out and connect with me. Once again, thank you for your time and interest in our UI/UX case study.”

🙎My LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nikita-shadija/

🙎My Email I’d: nikitashadija50@gmail.com



Nikita Shadija

UX designer passionate about creating user-centered digital experiences.