Compromise : what UX designers actually do

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5 min readOct 19, 2017

“What a beautiful creature!”

“Wait, is the creature itself functional? Hey wake up! We need applicable thing!”

In an interview session, Eric Ries said that design is the main weapon for current business competition. It is design that make Airbnb talks loud to the world. It is design that rush Pinterest into top global brand. It is design who raise Google into giant. It is design. It is.

Feeling puzzled?

Hereby the explicable.

People see design is about beauty, and designing is beautifying things. It ain’t. Design isn’t that on charming the product. A marvelous design with harmonious combination of colors is not enough to boast the passion of angel investor to inject your startup.

Design is about solving problem by creating the solutions. Design shows how the product functions. Design turns up what user need to be real. A spectacular product design would be useless if no one is using it. Design is the state art of serviceableness. The higher utility value of the product, the more preferable the product is.

Cold-hearted mode

“An egoist is always intelligent, never wise”

Designer is not about being the king and making an aesthetically pleasing sketch, though acquiring the user interest. The state of hearing user is the prime concern.

Designer must be bold to kill their idealism and put user needs as ultimate priority. Therefore, a designer should put collaboration in the first line beyond others. The teamwork of designer and user is strong capital to create wondrous product design.

To create an usable product, product development scheme is necessary implemented as mentioned below:

1. Quantifying User Needs

“This is about understanding the customer and the business goals.”

The term User Experience consists of two words, user and (positive) experience. The user is the personage behind the product, whereas positive experience is a parameter that let us know the product is on the right business track. Designer does this research to define the right ideation into real design. It has to fit with the customer behavior and customs. Because in today’s disruption era, business is nowhere without customer satisfaction. The more user satisfied, the greater potential profit gain it has for the business.

In the eyes of users, satisfaction will create sense of attachment and reliability to the product. They feel bond. This is the matter of product empathy, a matter of heart preferability. Once the product fulfil the users, they will turn to account on it over and over. This user behavior leads into company’s revenue. Startup would be delighted to see the result. Recent data prove that company with high customer satisfaction percentage is likely to increase its revenue round 35%.

2. Gathering and Understanding

“UX Designer jobs are to discover, synthesize, and balance all needs and constraints.”

UX designers need to listen, view, search, and take a note for every information about the client’s business. They gotta expose what the client is running on. The more detailed and comprehensive the information is, the bigger opportunity a product design will gain user satisfaction.

User research is the statement of gathering and understanding. As previously described, all the decisions made for a product all boils down to one goal: to accommodate users. The products are made to meet user needs, so a designer must keep their personal assumptions and preferences to themselves. The product doesn’t cater to the designers, it caters to users. Experiences and assumptions sometimes obscure information. It is time to collaborate and combine the art of graphic design with product usability.

3. Creating low fidelity mockup

“UX design is about building systems, too. Thus, the user is not only thing to be reckoned with.“

Creating a positive user experience requires hard work. At this stage, UX designer doesn’t have to design the whole product. UX designers will create a low-fidelity mockup at first before go on to high fidelity prototype stage.

Users will interact directly with the product. Therefore, it’s a necessary to create both low fidelity and high fidelity mockup at the same time. For low-fidelity mockup stage, the design solely describes the basic pattern of the product. There’s no step by step for user interaction with the product.

In contrast to low fidelity mockup, the high fidelity one shows various product systems. The pattern of user interaction with the live product has to be clearly visible. This stage is called “hold, look, tap, and connect”. Users can enter data and interact with the system. From the surface, high fidelity mockup is supposed to represent the final product.

4. Testing, Evaluating, and Validating

“Self-expression user will be reflected in the data. Mute idealism and start designing according to user needs.”

Dependency on technology compels everything to be quickly adapt, including UX designers. UX designers have to swiftly adapt to current conditions. As time goes, user desires get more complex and not as simple as it was. A fairly heavy flow of information creates a rising user expectations from a product.

Focusing on positive user experience will create a simpler startup when creating products. Testing, valuating, and validating: all three should be done endlessly. Maintaining a positive user experience for products is as same as taking care of users. The impact of UX design can affect user satisfaction not only at the time but also continuous.

The Art of Compromise

Designer not only talking to themselves as person. It is the orchestra of idea between themselves and users. They push themselves to give the excellent service in the state of collaboration. The product is remarkable art of solving complex problems. They are whole-hearted.They are compromising.

uxmarker was founded with one mission mind: creating the best and most reliable user-centered design for our clients. Here in our HQ, we deal with a wide range of design avenues on every product platform. To ensure a satisfying product experience, our dedicated team generate data from curated user research methods and analyze them to find and fix various design obstacles. With our ingenious ideas and tested skill, we believe we can help make your products a pleasure to work with.

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