Deload UX

Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2023

It’s interesting to see how the concept of deloading, typically associated with physical activities and sports, can be applied in various fields, including creative ones like music, cinema. The idea of taking a step back and reducing intensity or workload to rejuvenate the mind and come back stronger is a valuable approach.

Fitness: Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often follow a periodized training approach, where they alternate between high-intensity workouts to push their limits and low-intensity or recovery periods to allow their bodies rest and recover. This helps prevent burnout, over training, and injuries while maximizing performance gains.

Burnout during fitness

Musicians: Switching genres or rhythms allows musicians to explore new creative territories and prevents creative blocks. It keeps their passion for music alive by offering fresh challenges and avoiding monotony.

(e.g) The Mozart of Madras A.R.Rahman expressed in an interview that, he switches between genres to beat monotony and burnout.

Musicians take a break due to burnout

Film Artists: After working on demanding or intense projects, film artists choose to do lighter, more effortless movies. This change of allows them to recharge and approach future projects with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

Sports: Athletes in various sports engage in deloading practices to prevent physical and mental exhaustion. Participating in other sports or recreational activities can help them stay active while giving their primary muscles and skills some respite.

Regarding Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s example, it’s essential to strike a balance between deloading and maintaining performance during a game. While deloading during a match may be beneficial for Dhoni personally, Whenever MS Dhoni comes to bat, the run rate turns out to be slow. But he aces his performance at the right moment and produces the best result in most of the cases.

Difference between Deload and Break

It’s essential to differentiate between deloading and taking a complete break from work. Deloading involves reducing the intensity and workload without disconnecting entirely from the work environment, while a break means disconnecting entirely from work-related activities. Both approaches have their merits, and designers can experiment with what works best for them.

Moving towards super compensation

Impact of Deload in UX Design

In the context of UX design, taking a deload period after a series of intense sprints or projects could be beneficial. It allows designers to reflect on their work, gather new inspiration, and approach their next tasks with a fresh perspective. Just as athletes and musicians may switch to lighter or different activities to give their minds and bodies a break, UX designers can engage in creative projects that are not directly related to their usual work but still stimulate their design thinking.

1. Preventing Burnout: Taking regular breaks can help prevent burnout, which is essential for maintaining creativity and productivity in the long run.

2. Idea Generation: Engaging in different creative activities during the deload period can spark new ideas and insights that may be applied to future design projects.

3. Improved Focus: After a deload period, designers may find it easier to focus on their tasks, leading to better problem-solving and decision-making.

4. Enhanced Innovation: A rested and rejuvenated mind is more likely to come up with innovative solutions to design challenges.

5. Skill Development: Pursuing creative tasks during the deload period can contribute to the development of additional skills that may prove useful in UX design.

Supercompensation in UX


As with any experiment, it’s important to give the deload approach a fair chance by implementing it for a reasonable duration for 6 months, to observe its impact on productivity, creativity, and overall wellbeing.

The feedback and insights gained from such an experiment can guide individuals in finding a work rhythm that suits their need and optimizes their performance.



Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design

I believe, UX is not wizarding a tool. Its all about creating better experience with respect to humans emotional factor.