Designing a successful product: Is not a daydream

Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design
Published in
3 min readNov 14, 2019
Source: Google

In the last decade, the world has seen a million of digital products, but some 1000 are successful in the market. The digital giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon, Instagram, Netflix, Uber and so on successfully laid their path.

How are they able to achieve it?

Is it because of their market strategy?
Could be.

Ah! What’s the main reason for their success?

The success story!

The success in any business measured by the revenue that they get over a while: This is quantitative.

But the users are indirectly contributing to the success of any organization in terms of revenue.

The organizations satisfy their user expectations in their style.

What is that own style?

For example, if I start an E-Commerce company and blindly follow the design and workflow pattern of Amazon, Shall I be successful in the market?

Of course, Not.

The organizations have formulated their patterns based on their user feedback. If I follow their pattern and build Amazon +1 and how I will be successful?

So, it is good to stop taking the core reference from digital giants.

Source: Google

Netflix an amazing example.
I have taken Netflix as an example to prove that how an organization can build its methodology.

So, take it as an example, not as a reference.

Netflix follows a methodology which consists of 3 steps (after some years of iteration they have identified it)

1. Hypothesis: How the world works for them?

2. Experiment: Gather unbiased data based on the hypothesis.

3. Result: Is the hypothesis true or false.

It is an assumption that one makes to experiment.

Example: If a drop a feather and a coconut from the Qutub Minar (A historical monument in Hyderabad). Which one do you think will reach the ground at first?

We all assume that the coconut will reach the ground at first. Isn’t it?

It’s not always the case, we are thinking of one medium. If we drop the feather and coconut in a room of no vacuum, both will reach the ground at the same time.

So thinking of the condition is so important in hypothesis, whether the product will work for all or a certain demography.

This is a crucial phase. What kind of method will for work you?
Netflix has taken A/B Testing (This Usability testing will be done after the development). Which gave them 95% confidence on the success of the product.

They have checked with the design variations by having a control experience (An existing successful experience).

Not so complex. It is checking whether the hypothesis is true or false based on the outcome of the experiment.

What Netflix is teaching us?

Think of product design as a series of experiment that leads to stronger design.

That methodology is working for them. Will the same work for us?

Not sure about it. But, one can derive a methodology from the available resources and formulate that as their own.

In conclusion, the users expect surprise or suspense not only from TV shows or movies. They expect the same from digital products as well. To achieve that, derive a methodology for your product from your users.



Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design

I believe, UX is not wizarding a tool. Its all about creating better experience with respect to humans emotional factor.