The UX Wheel

Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2019

We are all aware of the WHEEL which was invented in STONE
AGE. In my perspective, it is the only product that has been
successful since 9500 BC. It is hard to imagine our lives without
the Wheel, which helped pioneer various other inventions(inspired from nature).

What is the secret of this success?

Let’s break it down in this blog.
In this age of computers, we have a choice of “n” number of
products in a single product category. We are most likely to use a
certain product and associate ourselves closely with it. If someone
ask why? We market it like a product owner (Yes!! we are).
As a user we share our likes on products like experts, but those are
all from our own perspective. But we need to consider some of the
key essentials that make a product successful.

They are
1. Desirability
2. Workability and
3. Feasibility

Considering these factors while building a product will broaden
our vision and help in creating successful products that are also

Evolution of Wheel
  1. Desirability

A product which creates an allure among consumers will take its
place at the top in its market. While designing a product, this key
quality helps to capture user attention and focus to itself.

2. Workability

Attractive products sometimes fail to work. Any product that
works well would be given first class preference to its competitors.
This implies that your final product should satisfy all desired
outcomes. Users will look forward to workability next to

3. Feasibility

Feasibility is simply, ease of use. Simple and intuitive products
regularly get appreciated and users tend to stay loyal to them.
Designing products which can be easily accessible by users from
various backgrounds and abilities retain market domination.
Complex tasks and counter-intuitive actions tend to disappoint
users. Hence, while designing products, avoid complications
because the effort spent on desirability and workability will be in
vain if the product is not feasible and user-friendly to the user.
We try to look and act smart, so should our product.

Let’s go back to the STONE AGE.

Have they checked all the discussed key criteria?

No, but they pioneered these principles through their products.
They were able to create simple and usable products through their
objective thinking to design solutions to the complex problems.
And moreover, they had a clear understanding of their need.
That’s why the structure of wheel can address even modern-day
problems and still running successfully to this day. Let us focus on
these three design tenets in solving future challenges.



Udaya Kumar Sivagurunathan
Uxmint Design

I believe, UX is not wizarding a tool. Its all about creating better experience with respect to humans emotional factor.