Top online courses for Advanced User Experience

Abhishek Jain
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2020


Advanced UX Courses

Keeping yourself updated with learning something new each day is necessary for all, it applies to experienced professionals as well. In this article UXness has identified some top UX online courses which are perfectly matching for advanced UX category. Let’s explore the advanced UX courses:

Top online Courses for Advanced UX

1. Accessibility: How to design for all

Course Accessibility

2. How to design for Augmented & Virtual Reality

AR VR Course

3. Dynamic User Experience

Dynamic UX Course

4. Formalism & Design

Formalism & design Course

5. Gamification

Gamification course

6. Getting Dashboards Right

Design Dashboard Course

7. How to create intuitive products

Intuitive products Course

8. Psychology of Interaction Design

Psychology of interaction design Course

9. The brain and psychology

Brain and psychology course

10. User Research

User research Course

11. UX Strategy Fundamentals

UX Study fundamentals Course

12. UX Strategy Masterclass

UX Strategy Course

13. Design Thinking

Design thinking Course

14. UX Management: Strategy and Tactics

UX management Course

15. Conducting Usability Testing

Usability Testing Course

Special recommendation in this COVID19 lockdown
Most of the designers and professionals are working from home in this Coronavirus outbreak, UXness recommends you all to utilize this time in enhancing your UX skills and become a better UX designer by taking online courses and learning.

Kickstart in UX with top UX courses at Interaction Design Foundation and Get 3 Months FREE Subscription and a verified certificate which enhances your UX profile.

Explore more UX Courses

