Prototype For CoronaVirus Information App

Shabir Gilkar
UX Of Small Things
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2020


This is what I feel people need information about COVID 19 than charts and numbers

What it does?

COVID-19 Community Response is a web-app which helps general public to access CoronaVirus related information like near-by hospitals/quarantine/isolation/testing centers, Dos and Don’t, Immunity boosting food suggestions, COVID-19 Global cases, DIY, Important contact details etc.

Published as open-source

View Prototype at:

App Screenshot
Prototype Walk Through Video

Did I followed any process?

Since this is an emergency related app which required minimum turn-around time and has been designed in 1 day.

I quickly noted down some of the common and important use cases for any given user and then sketched some paper wireframes and then rapidly designed this prototype.

I know this is not complete and you would find lots of missing pieces, but I’m not stoping here. I will continue to polish this further.

Any feedback and suggestions are welcome! Appreciating in advance!

As a User I should be able to:

  • View/Navigate/Add all nearby Health/Quarantine/Isolation/Testing centres catering C19 patients (Govt/Pvt).
  • View/Add general information about the disease
  • View/Add Dos and Don’t
  • View/Add list of immunity boosting foods
  • View the latest happenings about C19 around the world
  • View/Add DIY tips/tricks like how to make homemade hand sanitiser
  • View/Add all important contact details in case of emergency.
  • App feedback section.
  • View latest news/tweets about CoronaVirus

What’s Next?

Requesting Engineers to contribute to develop this app fast and then publish for human good. I think Front-End Developer and Development Engineer would be enough to develop this app. I would also request people to share the appropriate data which they find contextual to this app.

Plan is to quickly develop Hospitals, Quarantine, Isolation and Testing centers first as they look/function similar and then gradually develop and publish other things in back-log.

Important links

World Health Organisation (WHO)

COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins University

The new disease Covid-19 explained

Useful links & Resources like WHO Database, APIs

Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (India)

Microsoft Bing COVID-19 Tracker

Test Centers in India

15 Immunity Boosting Foods

Do you like this concept and want to be part of this community project? Please let me know in comments. You can also contribute by sharing the data which is contextual or simple clapping or sharing this in your community or groups. Appreciating!



Shabir Gilkar
UX Of Small Things

Lead Product Designer @accenture previously at @Harman , Aditi, Snowflakes and DZ.