All The Books Referenced in Steve Krug’s, ‘Don’t Make Me Think’

Mary Formanek
UXPA Arizona


Steve Krug referenced multiple books in his book, Don’t Make Me Think. I have combed through the book and have pulled all the books mentioned. This is a list of all those books in the order they are referenced.

Note: This is not a review of any of these books. Not yet at least.

  1. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions by Gary Klien

2. The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

3. The Elements of Style by William Strunk Jr and E. B. White



Mary Formanek
UXPA Arizona

Staff Lead Product UX / UI Designer. UX Master Certified. Art Center College of Design Alum. President Emeritus of UXPA Arizona. Tik Tok: @UXwithMary