UX Research Intern 面試懶人包(下)

Chia Hsieh
UX Pacer
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2019


在上篇中,已大致和大家介紹了一下我認為在美國找ux research intern的現況和流程,在下篇中要和大家分享的則是面試時我被問過的問題。雖然無法保證這些問題一定也會出現在你的面試裡,但就像有考古題庫能讓人安心一樣,我盡量都列出在經驗裡出現頻率較高的問題,希望能幫助大家準備面試時能有個大概的方向。



  • Tell me a little bit about yourself?
  • Can you talk a bit about how your past experience as a *insert whatever job title on your resume* give you a unique perspective on UX?
  • How does your *insert whatever you college major is* background give you a unique perspective on UX?
  • Why do you choose to focus on the research part of the UX?
  • How you got into UX Research?
  • Why this position at our company? What do you know about our company?
  • What’s your expectation of this internship and what do you hope to get out of it?
  • What’s your plan after graduation?
  • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • What’s your greatest strength/weakness?
  • Walk me through the *insert whatever project on your resume* project that you worked on?
  • What does user experience mean to you?


我覺得這類的問題很多時候對缺乏經驗的學生來說是比較困難的,因為在學校裡我們常像是活在同溫層,生活周遭都是擁抱UX和理解Research價值的人。但進入職場得和各種人合作,UX Research的價值不一定會被重視,工作內容和方法也可能會被其他人質疑,因此面試官蠻喜歡問類似的情境問題。

  • How do you handle the situation where stakeholders have doubt regarding your usability testing results?
  • How would you approach the situation where people have doubt regarding the sample size of your qualitative research?
  • How do you know that you’ve interviewed enough people when conducting qualitative research?
  • What would you tell the users if a feature they really want is not implemented?
  • How would you communicate your findings to different stakeholders?
  • Tell me one difficulty that you faced as a user researcher?
  • What is your favorite research method and why? What are the downsides to those methods?
  • Do you consider yourself more of a qualitative or quantitative person?



  • You’ve used a lot of methods — do you believe that you needed to use all the methods to identify the key findings? Which method would you choose out of these if you were short on time and budget?
  • What’s the part that you found to be the most exciting?
  • What part of the project surprised you? Something that contradicted your assumptions or something you did not expect?
  • What kind of data did you generate? How did you synthesize them?
  • Show me how your design features address the issues listed on your personas?
  • How did you measure your project/design goal? What kind of metrics did you use?
  • Pretend I were the user. Show me how you’d run the usability testing with me?
  • How did different user groups react to your design? Do you think it’d be equally easy for them to learn this design?
  • What did you contribute? How would the project be different if you were not on the team?
  • What is the biggest takeaway?


除了上面列的這三大類問題之外,也曾經被問過的問題還有一般的behavioral question以及和統計概念相關的問題(例如:Describe p-value in lay term),因此只單準備以上三類問題可能是不夠的。在回答問題時,我認爲展現出你能夠同理他人、能夠用說故事的方式來講一件事情、以及你是個講求用數據和證據來支持研究的人,是非常重要的。同時也別忘了在每一次的面試時都要準備一些有意義的問題在最後的時間回問面試官,別忘了懂的如何問問題也是ux researcher很看重的一項能力。


