From Journalism to UX

1 min readJun 9, 2017


Last week, I started a new job as a UX Specialist for a company in Netherlands called, which created this amazing platform to gather the best content from Social Media, an incredible tool for Publishers and Brands based on content.

I spent my first days meeting key people from the company, trying to find how we could work collaboratively, explaining to them what UX is and telling a bit about how I have been working with Journalism, Product, Social Media and UX.

All this reminded me of an interview by where I had the chance to tell about my journey from Journalism, to Products, Social Media and, more recently, UX.

The interview part one is here: Lisandra Maioli: How I got into UX

Part 2: The most important thing about UX with Lisandra Maioli




An Italian-Brazilian living, studying and working around the world as a #digitalnomad.