The UX of social media content creation

Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2016


Article posted originally on FluidUI Blog.

Last year, while I was living in Los Angeles, I got talking to a CEO from a startup in “Silicon Beach” (Santa Monica area). He invited me for a coffee as he was curious to understand why someone who was doing well working in social media had decided to work focusing almost exclusively in UX.

He was amazed because I was able to increase the number of Facebook page fans from 250K to 1M in one year. “How did you do that?”, he asked me. “Well…(trying to find a fancy explanation) actually the only thing that I did was deeply understand the page’s fans and what they were truly interested in”, I honestly answered.

“Girl, you were doing UX for social media by trying to understand the users… imagine that!”. BOOM! I said to myself.

Looking back over the last 16 years of my career, I’ve always used UX knowledge, even before the term existed (all the way back to the early 2000's), including in the social media roles that I held.

As well as spending time doing UX Research, I also apply UX techniques to the whole social media process. Every month I give a class: “How to Manage Social Media Content Creation”. I’ve got a few great tips that I give students that I’d also like to share with you.

Check it out the full article on the FluidUI Blog.




An Italian-Brazilian living, studying and working around the world as a #digitalnomad.