UX Project: Redesigning for Doctors

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4 min readFeb 13, 2018

Having doctors as your user as the center of your design might be really challenging especially if you need to count on their availability. Even harder when they are also one of your stakeholders. On the other hand, when you are able to reach them, you can definitely get very valuable feedback.

The challenge:

For this project, I was hired by a local agency in Brazil to work on the APM (Medical Association) website redesign, one of their clients. It was identified as main issue that was necessary to reorganize the huge amount of the content in a different and more effective way.

My goals:

The agency hired me to design wireframes and create a prototype based on a new IA which was defined and agreed between the agency and the client. My suggestion was to have step back and understand the website user (doctors) to make sure we would redesign the website based on the user mindset.


  • Google Form
  • Trello
  • Paper cards and post its
  • Online chat tools (Skype, Facebook, WhatsApp)
  • OptimalWork
  • Scketch and Invision

My UX process:

  1. Analysis and User Research
  2. Data Analysis (Google Analytics) and Website Analysis (Heuristic and Responsiveness)
  3. Online Survey
  4. User Interview / Usability Test / Card sorting
  5. Stakeholders interview:
  6. Personas creation
  7. Taxonomy and IA Redesign
  8. Tree Testing
  9. Sketching
  10. Wireframing
  11. Prototyping and Documentation

Analysis and User Research

  • Pre-Analysis: I started by doing a Data Analysis (Google Analytics) and a quick Website Analysis (Heuristic and Responsiveness).
  • Online Survey: I identified and send an online survey to about 15 doctors (11 responses)
  • User Interview / Usability Test / Card sorting: The next step was to interview users and run card sorting activities online or in-person. I talked to 12 doctors from different ages and background (associated to APM or not, the website users or not).
  • Stakeholders interview: I interviewed 2 doctors who also were part of the Association board to understand which kind of content and topics were considered important and should be highlighted.
Doctors have a really limited availability, but I could run a cardsorting activity in person with two of them
I also used Trello to run cardsorting cards with those doctors who couldn't meet me in person


I created 2 personas to guide the redesign based on the information gathered during the User Research and information provided by the Association.

Taxonomy and IA Redesign

I reorganised the IA based on the information from the Analysis and User Research.

The areas of the website were labeled according to what made sense to the users.

Tree Testing

In order to validate the new Taxonomy and IA, I did a Tree Test with 4 doctors.


Before starting to design the wireframes, I always prefer to do some paper sketches to make sure if the flow and overall idea is a good solution.


I identified on the User interviews and Usability Tests that the users considered the website overwhelming, without a clear hierarchy and the relevant content to them were not prioritised.

I made sure to reorganize the website in a way that would highlight the more appealing content to the user and to the Association, making sure that the APM Mission and messages were part of the design.

I also created easy ways to access other areas of the site related to the content, which I called widgets.

Prototyping and Documentation

I have provided a prototype to be presented to the APM board and documentations to guide the designers and dev team. Although during the whole process I made sure to keep in contact with both to validade some ideas.


The main challenge of this project was the communication, once I had the agency between me and the client. As a solution, I suggested to have weekly based calls to update everyone and let them make me questions.

Recruiting and interviewing doctors were also a big challenge, once they are not easily available. The solution that I found was to let them choose which platform for communication would be easy to them to use.


According to the agency, the time onsite and the audience increased since they launched the new website: http://associacaopaulistamedicina.org.br/

From the User interviews, I also could list a few recommendations on content topics, new sessions and tools which can be offered to the users.


Here is the presentation for the client: http://bit.ly/UXLM-AMP




An Italian-Brazilian living, studying and working around the world as a #digitalnomad.