What is your ideal UX career?

UX Talent
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019

In the last story, I already shared to you about processes in UX Talent for Professionals. If you noticed, there is a process where UX Indonesia’s team will match your ideal UX career with company’s requirements.

I believe everyone have a different perspective for an ideal UX career, for myself, my ideal UX career is I can work with many good people and have a great team. Other than that, I will work in a job that suits my passion.

I already told you what kind of ideal UX career for me and this is your turn. Through this story, I want to ask all of you to share and write what is your ideal UX career?



UX Talent

UX Talent is a non-profit platform provided by UX Indonesia that connects UX professionals and great companies that want to build UX Dream Team