UX, Badges, Pugs & Beer

A small and cute on-boarding guide for Uxtopia

João Torres
3 min readMar 16, 2018


If you are reading this, probably you’re already one of our UX testers. So cheers for that, you rock! If you still aren’t, this is a very good time to register.

In this guide we will cover some topics that will help you understand what our community is and why is it so cool to be part of it:

  1. What the hell is UX and why do companies test it?
  2. Badges, badges, badges;
  3. Beer money.

What the hell is UX and why do companies test it?

Being a tester on Uxtopia, you’ll have the opportunity to perform several types of UX tests. But what the hell is UX?

It’s totally normal if you never heard this term. UX is the acronym for User Experience. We could use a very fancy definition but let’s keep it simple and say UX is how all of us feel about the interactions we have with what we are using, while we are using it.

Why do companies test UX?

Needless to say, when we’re happier using a digital platform, we are more likely to connect with it, spend money on it, and recommend it to others.

And this is exactly why companies test UX. As you have seen on Uxtopia, UX tests are fast, easy and fun for you to complete, but at the same time offer amazing insights to companies on how much you like their products, and what can they improve.

Companies crave for feedback to improve, and are willing to pay you for it.

Badges, badges, badges

Photo credit: Charles Deluvio

As you probably noticed, another cool thing about Uxtopia is that every test you perform rewards you with a Badge Point. When you reach a certain number, we offer you different Badges, that permanently increase all your payments per test in our platform, up to a 3-fold increase. This means that a newbie may win only a third of what you will earn as an experienced tester.

Payments are still off…for you, and for us.

But your badges are permanent. This means that even after beta, all the work you did will remain recorded and you’ll be rewarded with better payments. We will only get paid when you get paid. We promise that the cake is not a lie!

Beer money

Photo credit: Wil Stewart

This sums up what we want to offer our testers. Yes, you’ll get to test amazing new platforms and have fun doing so, but what we really want is to offer you that extra money that helps you afford doing fun stuff or drinking that tasty beer during weekends! (or maybe weekdays too…)

So, if you’re still not one of our testers, head to Uxtopia and register. It is a true pleasure to have you on-board!

