Why We Choose Cere Network?

Published in
3 min readMay 25, 2021

At V99Z capital, we are delighted to announce that we have made our strongest investment ever to Cere Network. We wanted to convey to you this exciting adventure that we started with a group of investors coming together and why we started with Cere Network. As you know, cryptocurrencies mostly operate on high risk, high return basis. But some investment opportunities can seem bright to us like daylight.

1) What is Cere Network?
Cere Network was a shining opportunity for us, as I shared above. Let’s get to know the Cere Network with the sentences in Cere Network Vision Paper;

Cere is the solution that relieves businesses of the growing, aching pain in customer data management

In our opinion, the main thing that makes Cere important is the search for a solution to a real problem. In addition, we try to make sure that they are taking the steps to achieve this.

Cere Network aims to create a decentralized cloud platform that provides data optimization and collaboration. Data management with Cere Network promises to work within the blockchain network in a fully customizable way. Cere, which emerged from the gathering of people who have worked for years at Amazon, Twitch, and Bebo, enables the processing of customer data transparently. So, with Cere’s decentralized data cloud, the security, anonymity, and integrity of customer data are guaranteed.

2) Why is the Security of Customer Data Important?
As many of us know, processing customer data is now a big issue for businesses. Millions of customers around the world offer personal data to another business every day in the globalizing world conditions. This puts the security of data at the forefront.

Cere is trying to bridge the gap between real life and blockchain with its solution that can be integrated into many platforms currently used by businesses and uses the advantages of blockchain. While companies achieve compatibility, speed, and customization by using the advantages of blockchain with Cere Network; customers will also gain data security. As we know, the problems experienced by companies such as Ledger and Whatsapp with customer data show us the importance of this issue again.

3) Why Cere Network?
As the V99Z investment group, what struck us most was the Cere Network’s handling of a real economic issue. The security and processing of personal data is one of the best matches to be established between blockchain and the real world, and it is also an issue that concerns the whole world. As you know, mobility has increased day by day with e-commerce throughout the world. In addition, personal data gained importance with the increase in global services. Here, the Cere Network team is creating a solution to this problem, building a real use of blockchain.

4) Who are Cere Network Supporters?
When investing in a project, it is always useful to take a look at the supporters of that project.
Here are the supporters of Cere Network;

5) What’s Next?
Cere Network successfully completed the seed and private sales stages and initiated the final stage of whitelist applications for public sales.
Cere Network will be ready to launch in the first quarter of 2021, once the applications for the public sale are completed.

V99Z Links;

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/v99zcom
Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/v99zcom



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