6 Reasons Why You Should Start Engaging Your Alumni Today!

Vaave Team
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2022

It is no longer the era where Alumni Engagement is an unknown term and the era where new technologies are offering us a multitude of effective techniques for engaging our former students. However, it is the college or university, that must be making the first move in developing the culture of Alumni Relations. Alumni must feel valued by their alma mater, welcomed by it, and supported when they do step forward.

While we all agree that institutions should offer a spectrum of services and benefits to their former students to make the Alumni come back, why is it so important to every college and university to invest in building a robust alumni engagement program today?

  • You are losing out on prospective students — Alumni of an institution stand as the epitome of its greatness, they’re your handiwork, your brand, and the interface between your institution and the students. The feedback they give out becomes a requisite for your improved admissions and if feedback isn’t right, you are already behind. An engaged Alumni ecosystem increases the aspirational quotient among prospective students looking to get admitted to your institution.
  • Make your College Recession Proof — With the world fearing another great recession like 2008, you can actually keep your college away from it with Alumni Mentoring. That’s the magic of alumni leverage, where an institute benefits from the skills, knowledge, and expertise, adding a lot of credibility and improving career opportunities for current students. How the Alumni carved their way to success can be a handy playbook for a lot of students.
  • Students of today are alumni of tomorrow — Experience is one of the best teachers, make your students realize Alumni Value by benefiting them today with career counsel, because, unless they’re aware, they will not engage in the future. Also, treating your Alumni right, and proving the importance of Alumni to current students by rewarding them with mentoring, makes the future Alumni contribute voluntarily.
  • Fundraising — The economy of the institution has become more important than before and Fundraising can be the best way to reel under it. It happens only with relationship building, the more engaging your Alumni are, the easier it will be. This takes time, if you have to raise funds 3 years from now, you should soon start engaging them and helping them.
  • Platform as a tool — Institutions might think of collecting an Alumni database first and then look for the Platform, but it all results in increased efforts and ends up with no luck. Why miss out on the chance where bringing back your Alumni, getting them onboard, and engaging them can go hand in hand? A dedicated platform would enable accelerated growth in the database by making it easier to collect the Alumni data and providing a centralized and organized system for storing and managing the same.
    Also, with the exclusive platform you can show the Value and tie the benefits like access to Networking, Jobs/Internships, Campus Library, etc to your Alumni and make the comeback effortless. With the Alumni relations landscape undergoing a tremendous transformation every single day, you’re losing out if you don’t set up a platform.
  • Budgeting Cycle — “Engaging Alumni is out of the budget cycle” is a myth that needs to be broken. While some investments may be necessary to establish and maintain effective alumni engagement programs, the potential benefits often outweigh the costs offering exceptional value for the investment and providing long-term returns, not just in the value of money but also through brand advocacy and rankings of the institution. A well designed Alumni management plan aligns perfectly with your budget cycle, enabling you to achieve your objectives without compromising your financial plans. Prioritize Alumni Engagement to enhance the overall educational experience and the institution’s long-term success.

At Vaave, we don’t want you to be restricted by budgeting concerns and encourage you to explore our services for a trial period.

At a time when all institutions are scrambling for resources, institutions that neglect to invest in their alumni and invite them to be partners in shaping futures are squandering a priceless asset. A successful alumni engagement program can take years to build, however, the start of Alumni engagement does indeed stand at the top.

Begin involving and engaging your Alumni today, before it gets too late!



Vaave Team
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We help institutions connect & engage with their Alumni. www.vaave.com