How to Create an Environment to Engage Alumni?

Vaave Team
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2022
How to Create an Environment to Engage Alumni?

With the great power shift of today’s workplace, the traditional upper hand of the employers has been upended with the elevated focus on the culture of better management. Employees are mostly looking for interconnectivity and learning opportunities paying keen attention to how connected the Company is with their ex-employees and how valued they’re because someday, might be very late in the future, they’ll be the ex-employees.

Alumni networks are able to build strong relationships between the company and its former employees resulting in continued employer brand development, as well as creating a resource for new hires through referrals. Companies should take the responsibility to articulate the bi­directional value both parties get from the continuing relationship and keep the Alumni engaged. While we all agree that the sustained and meaningful engagement of the Alumni Community is much more advantageous, how do we create an environment to engage them?

Below are some of the surefire ways that an organization can take up for the same -

Closure Support — Paying attention to the lasting impression your company makes is part of what makes your Alumni stay connected for long. Leaving a positive experience for their future ex-employees is one way that employers are leveraging Alumni. That’s why progressive employers are making the transition for departing employees seamless by devoting more resources to the exit process. Making their departure hassle-free and giving them access to the services for all the post-exit queries like FnF, Visa Letters, etc helps to achieve employee satisfaction and also, in the long run, improves the brand advocacy through their honest feedback.

Networking — In this competitive world, Strong networks act as a powerful new currency. Focusing on lifelong career development and maintaining lasting relationships, Alumni look for uniting with key figures in the global business community. Placing trustworthy connections at the core and onboarding some of the talented industry leaders who were once part of your employee force gives the Alumni community opportunities to collaborate and grow. Alumni News and profiles of alumni who are making waves in their new endeavors induce the belongingness and trust in your ex-employees.

Training Programs — Facilitating space for collaboration and learning among employees past and present by providing Leadership and career counseling sessions, thus acting as a hub for former employees to connect and access industry knowledge. Coordinate and conduct leadership development programs, conferences, panel discussions, webinars, and speed mentoring sessions for your Employee extending to your Alumni community which allows thousands of like-minded people to interact with industry leaders allowing opportunities to learn.

Jobs and Referrals — An in-house team to broadcast job listings, and opportunities by directing the outgoing employees to potential employers, also offering job vacancies at the company among the ex-employees, for those who want to return or refer someone, leaves an imprint that the alum is helping in the continued career development. Referrals from your Alumni can impact your brand, employment engagement, and talent strategy, rewarding them for their referrals would not go unnoticed.

Rehiring — Alumni tend to stay in touch with the company for multiple reasons and we can’t let go of the certainty that many ex-employee look forward to returning. Boomerang employees are always a hit to the company in more ways than one, be it their retention rates or improved skills and broader expertise. Making the re-hiring process effortless, and accessible and giving your ex-employees an edge over the other non-affiliated interviewees inculcates the intuition that they are more than valued in the company. Thus, leaving them no choice but to remain connected.

Building an Alumni Network is about connecting people with opportunities to develop both professionally and personally, in turn improving the branding of the company. Engaging Alumni and creating an environment to keep them involved can seem like a mammoth undertaking, and you would be right to think that. The type of alumni community that drives value does not spring up overnight. However, the effort is worth its weight in gold. Proactive companies have begun tapping into the power of corporate alumni networks, you should too!

Here at Vaave, we designed a powerful alumni management tool that takes care of your alumni community. With 10+ years of leading the market, Vaave has been at the forefront of enabling meaningful alumni relations.

Visit: or write to us at to understand more about Alumni relations.



Vaave Team
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We help institutions connect & engage with their Alumni.