How to use Terpenes At Home: The Pharmacy In Your Back-Yard

Alyssha Bal
Published in
6 min readJul 7, 2021

Through plants and minerals, both rich in natural principles, we try to heal; The human body is a combination of energy, psyche, and body, and only in nature we can find its well-being. Disorders and dysfunctions have always been attributable to incorrect habits, both food and lifestyle; all this involves accumulating toxins, both harmful and natural elements.

Naturopathy, also called naturopathic medicine or natural medicine, represents a path on a natural solution through which we can maintain or achieve overall good health.

Naturopathic remedies don’t consist of a single technique. It’s about the use, concepts, and methods of Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, crystal therapy, and many more. Therefore, natural medicine is aimed at those interested in a different approach to both the condition and the person, distancing themselves from traditional drug-based treatments. The therapeutic properties of many plants used by natural medicine are traditionally known to men who have used them based on observations, experiences, and coincidences as “healing herbs”, and they have been handed down to us. With due caution, natural medicine can be suitable for everyone. Here’s our rundown of the eight most popular herbs used for natural remedies and how you can grow these and make your own little herbal pharmacy.

1 Basil


Benefits for the cardiovascular system: Basil is rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A; Thanks to them, cholesterol does not accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, avoiding atherosclerosis and heart attacks.

Skin and hair health: The basil-based essential oils enhance the dull shine of the skin and hair, and it is also effective in treating acne;

Bone and connective tissue: Basil essential oil contains an anti-inflammatory liquid that inhibits joint and bone swelling;

Promotes intestinal and digestive health: Starting from the fact that basil is an anti-inflammatory food, it provides essential benefits in cases of intestinal inflammation.

Terpene: Caryophyllene. One of the terpenes you’ll find in Basil is caryophyllene. This terpene is also found in black pepper and oregano.

How to Grow Basil

Maintain well-drained soil, a distance of 15–20 cm between one plant and the other, a partially sunny position, but not exposed to too much wind, and frequent watering until it takes root; Abundant watering from time to time, later on.

When the stem has 4 pairs of leaves, the top must be cut, while the lateral twigs must be topped when 3 pairs of leaves appear. Thanks to these pruning operations, the basil thickens.

2 Cinnamon


It is known to be good for Diabetes: It lowers the glycemic level of the blood favoring the entry of glucose into cells;

Promotes blood circulation: an anticoagulant, it makes the blood more fluid;

It has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties: it inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi.

Promotes heart health: The main reasons why this spice promotes good a healthy heart is the significant contribution of fiber and calcium.

Improves cognitive function: Helps protect neurons, as well as normalize neurotransmitter levels and improve motor function in people affected by Parkinson’s disease;

It is a powerful antioxidant: This spice is in the top 10 of the most powerful antioxidants that exist in nature.

Terpene: Caryophyllene is also found in cinnamon.

How to grow Cinnamon

Cinnamon can be safely grown in the garden but also in pots on the balcony or terrace, it is in fact a tree whose dimensions can be contained, otherwise, it could even reach 15 meters. However, it requires growing in a warm area; it is a tropical tree that, to develop at its best, should be grown in areas where the temperature is around 20–30 and with a good level of humidity. However, it can withstand even lower temperatures but is very afraid of intense and prolonged frosts.

3 Eucalyptus


Known for its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and decongestant properties. Used to combat cold symptoms, such as sore throat, congestion and cough. Eucalyptus essential oil is able to lead to the death of the bacterial cells that are undermined in the body, it also has an effective antiseptic action in the oral cavity that is able to counteract the formation of caries and gingivitis. It performs an interesting soothing action and speeds up the healing processes of wounds and burns. also effective in relieving the annoyances caused by an insect bite.

Terpene: Eucalyptol. Eucalyptol is also present in Rosemary & Basil.

How to grow Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a beautiful, but somewhat tricky indoor plant to grow. These plants absorb water quickly, so they need to be watered frequently.

4 Lavender


Lavender is used in the commercial sector of perfumery, soap, and cosmetics in general.

It is an antiseptic and disinfectant plant, used to disinfect small wounds, indicated against tension or stress headaches; It is sufficient to rub the temples with a few drops of essential oil diluted in neutral oil. Lavender flowers can be added to the bathwater as a relaxing, refreshing, and anti-stress bath. The anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic activity makes it suitable for rheumatic pains. It is useful in insomnia.

Terpene: Linalool. Linalool is known for its relaxing and calming effects.

How to Grow Lavender

Being a somewhat rustic spontaneous plant, Lavender is very resistant to different climatic conditions. It grows well in the hills, on arid, stony, and draining soils, possibly calcareous and sandy. It prefers sunny and ventilated areas.

If you want to grow this aromatic herb in your garden, it is important to carry out a deep dig before planting the plant.

5 Oregano


Oregano is rich in nutrients, contains various minerals, microelements, and vitamins that make it a powerful antiseptic and natural antibiotic.

An infusion of oregano, used for baths or foot baths, has a stimulating, disinfectant, and deodorant action.

There are many uses of its essential oil in the cosmetic, food, liqueur, and medicinal fields.

Terpene: Carvacrol. Carvacrol is also present in basil, mint, rosemary, & sage.

How to Grow Oregano

It does not require special attention: it grows well in different places and on various types of soil, even soils poor in nutrients. It is a species that resists the aggression of parasites, drought, and cold, as long as it is not too intense. It prefers areas well exposed to the sun, it is advisable to work the soil well to guarantee good drainage by adding a little compost or well-matured manure.

6 Rosemary


Rosemary is used in many recipes and known for its antispasmodic, digestive, diuretic, and balsamic, properties. It’s also been known to stimulate digestion, the production of bile, and appetite.

Terpene: Pinene. It’s a terpene also found in pine trees.

How to Grow Rosemary

Rosemary prefers arid and stony soils, where the water drains quickly but can also adapt very well to soils with very different characteristics. It likes a good sun exposure even if it adapts very well to partially shaded exposures. It prefers a warm temperate climate but also tolerates cold winters and harsh temperatures; it can also be grown in the hills and mountains up to an altitude of about 1000 meters; just protect it from frosts with straw wrapped in a special cloth.

7 Thyme


Rich in vitamin C and B vitamins and minerals, it mainly has an antiseptic and antibacterial activity, which is why it is considered a natural antibiotic. Thyme is known for its anti-catarrhal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, antifungal, and diuretic properties. It’s used for its aromatic and digestive properties. The aroma of thyme is appreciated in the kitchen for promoting appetite and stimulating digestion.

Terpene: Thymol. Thymol is also found in thyme, cannabis, & liquorice.

How to Grow Thyme

The ideal soil type is calcareous, not clayey, with a slightly alkaline pH and well-drained, mixed with sand. The ideal climate is sunny, even if it resists the cold of medium-high altitudes. Only badly tolerates excessive humidity and stagnation of water in the roots.

Originally published at



Alyssha Bal
Writer for

Cannabis connoisseur | Philly native | based in Berlin, Germany