10 Boards to Start IoT Development in 2021

There are plenty of good options to start.

Fernando Souza


Photo by Jorge Ramirez on Unsplash

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is already a reality. You are probably using one (or more) IoT device right now, or at least, have been benefited by one. And this market tends only to grow.

Generally speaking, the internet of things is a network of physical objects that enables these objects to create and exchange data.

According to some researches, there’s an estimation of 25 billions IoT devices around the world in 2021, with this number reaching about 64 billions by 2025 (and a market of 11 trillion dollars). From agriculture to home automation, every sector is using IoT to help their businesses.

Not so long ago, every data we had was produced manually by a human. If it was produced at all. But, as hard as we try, we as human have limitations on how much data we can produce. With the creation of the internet and the advancement of technology, a large amount of data can be collected to help any business to grow.

Whether you use a device to tell you the best time to water your plant or if a person has fallen and need a medical assistance, the IoT will be more and more part of our lives.



Fernando Souza

Enthusiast of programming, electronics, technology and beer, not necessarily in that order. BuyMeACoffee: buymeacoffee.com/ustropo