Write For Vacatronics

Share your knowledge with the world.

Fernando Souza


Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash.

Vacatronics is a publication to share content and knowledge about programming, electronic, and technology in general. We’re always looking for great content that make us grow as a community.


Some topics we like and are interested in that you can write about:

  • Programming: tutorials on any programming language, like Python, JavaScript, Go, Elixir, etc.
  • Electronic: anything related to embedded devices and IoT solutions, like sensors, development boards, network protocols, robotics, etc.
  • Product design: stories that help us how to create a product, from the design to the final release.
  • Future of technology: any topic related to the future of technology, such as blockchain, quantum computing, data mining, big data, machine learning, AI, etc.


Read this before you submit an article:

  1. Vacatronics is part of Medium, so its Rules and Terms



Fernando Souza

Enthusiast of programming, electronics, technology and beer, not necessarily in that order. BuyMeACoffee: buymeacoffee.com/ustropo