What kind of content performs the best on SaaS blogs?

Mae Cooper
Community platform UUKI
3 min readJun 22, 2022

If you want to grow your SaaS blog, you have to pay attention to the types of blog posts you publish. While there are dozens of formats, there are a few that can generate referral traffic for your blog, help grow your email list, and, ultimately, increase users for your product.

  1. How-to guides
  • People are always searching for solutions to problems they encounter while carrying out their day-to-day operations. You can capitalize on this. All you need to do is highlight your target customer’s pain points and then create a series of how-to guides with actionable solutions.
  • Having identified some of your audience’s problems, you could create how-to guides where you’d outline actionable steps they can take to overcome these roadblocks.

Some topics you could cover are:

  1. How to write a 1000-word article in an hour or less
  2. How to overcome writer’s block forever
  3. How to write catchy headlines (even if you’re a total beginner)

2. Checklists

  • We all want to do things faster and more effectively. So, highlighting specific tasks your target customers do regularly and creating a checklist they could work with is a fantastic way to provide value for your audience with content.
  • Since checklists are sought-after resources, these types of blog posts have the potential to perform well in search engines, driving free organic traffic to your website. Checklists are perfect for lead magnets such as content upgrades. Try designing a printable version of the checklist and then offer it as an opt-in incentive.

3. Comparison posts

  • Comparison posts are one of the best blog formats for SaaS companies, as they help potential buyers make decisions. These blog posts usually pit two or more similar products against each other, evaluating them on various features. You can compare the products based on a specific use case or angled toward a certain type of user.
  • The comparison post format works well mid-funnel, where potential users are researching their options. The goal is to win over potential customers. You have the opportunity when creating these posts to spotlight key solutions that your products offer but perhaps your competitors’ products don’t.




Mae Cooper
Community platform UUKI

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