DataComPy: Enhancing DataFrame Comparison for Data Engineers

Bhagya Lakshmi
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2024

In the realm of data engineering, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data transformations is paramount. Whether you’re developing ETL pipelines, conducting data migrations, or performing data audits, comparing DataFrames is a critical task. It’s essential to verify that no meaningful deviations or inconsistencies have crept into your data. This is where DataComPy comes into play, a Python library designed to facilitate the comparison of DataFrames in pandas, Spark, and more.

What is DataComPy?

DataComPy is a powerful Python library that simplifies the process of comparing two DataFrames. Unlike basic equality checks that only confirm if two DataFrames are identical, DataComPy offers detailed insights into discrepancies at both the row and column levels. This depth of analysis is invaluable for identifying and understanding differences between data sets.

Key Features of DataComPy

1. Comprehensive Comparison Reports

DataComPy generates detailed reports that highlight differences between DataFrames. These reports go beyond surface-level checks, providing insights into the nature of discrepancies. You can see which rows and columns do not match, helping you quickly identify and resolve issues.

2. Tolerance for Numeric Columns

One of DataComPy’s standout features is its ability to specify absolute or relative tolerance levels for numeric column comparisons. This feature is especially useful when dealing with floating-point numbers, which can have minor differences due to precision issues. By setting a tolerance level, you can ignore insignificant discrepancies and focus on meaningful deviations.

3. Handling Known Differences

Often, certain differences between DataFrames are expected and should not be flagged as issues. DataComPy allows you to specify these known differences, ensuring they are not highlighted in the comparison report. This reduces noise and makes the results more relevant and actionable.

4. Compatibility with Pandas and Spark

DataComPy is designed to work seamlessly with both pandas and Spark DataFrames. This dual compatibility is a significant advantage for data engineers who frequently switch between different data processing frameworks based on the scale and nature of their tasks.

How to Use DataComPy

Using DataComPy is straightforward. Here’s a quick example to get you started with comparing two pandas DataFrames:


import pandas as pdimport datacompy# Create sample DataFramesdf1 = pd.DataFrame({    'A': [1, 2, 3],    'B': [4, 5, 6]})df2 = pd.DataFrame({    'A': [1, 2, 3],    'B': [4, 5, 7]  # Notice the difference in the last row})# Perform the comparisoncomparison = datacompy.Compare(    df1,    df2,    join_columns='A',  # Column to join DataFrames on    abs_tol=0,  # Absolute tolerance    rel_tol=0,  # Relative tolerance)# Generate the reportprint( OutputDataComPy Comparison--------------------DataFrame Summary-----------------DataFrame1:shape: (3, 2)DataFrame2:shape: (3, 2)Column Summary--------------Number of columns compared with the same names: 2Number of columns in DataFrame1 but not in DataFrame2: 0Number of columns in DataFrame2 but not in DataFrame1: 0Row Summary-----------Matched on: AAny duplicates on match values: NoAbsolute Tolerance: 0Relative Tolerance: 0Number of rows in DataFrame1: 3Number of rows in DataFrame2: 3Number of rows with some compared columns unequal: 1Number of rows with all compared columns equal: 2Number of rows in DataFrame1 but not in DataFrame2: 0Number of rows in DataFrame2 but not in DataFrame1: 0Column Comparison-----------------All columns have a number of rows with some compared columns unequal: 1

In this example, the output indicates that there is a discrepancy in one row under column ‘B’. This level of detail is crucial for debugging and ensuring data integrity.

In this example, the output indicates that there is a discrepancy in one row under column ‘B’. This level of detail is crucial for debugging and ensuring data integrity.


DataComPy is an indispensable tool for data engineers who need to compare DataFrames with precision and efficiency. Its detailed comparison reports, tolerance handling for numeric columns, and ability to manage known differences make it a robust solution for various data comparison needs. Whether you are working with pandas or Spark, DataComPy can help you ensure that your data transformations are accurate and consistent, maintaining high data quality standards in your projects. Try DataComPy in your next data engineering task and experience the difference it makes in simplifying DataFrame comparisons!

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Bhagya Lakshmi
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