Feet Sunk Deep in the Earth

Poetry and other dreams…

Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices
2 min readJun 17, 2020


Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

We must
fight to keep every
child’s father
safe from the senseless
but never forget, children
need not only
to sleep secure,
folded under
blankets of love and peace,
but also to wake and
to sink their toes deep
into the earth
to feel belonging, to push
seeds into unknown
and to see life
flowering at their own
hand, to know land,
earth, water,
free and flowing,
air light as their innocence,
to connect, belong
and see something springing
from soil that is theirs,
to be once again and

This is part of the Vagabond Voices Distilling Utopia from Dystopia prompt. An imagining of something totally different from what history has laid at our feet.

I know we’re in the middle of a discussion about police violence that can’t wait…And if we have to start here, we also can’t stop here.

I see the small and simple things my own children have: contact with nature, good healthy air and water, food stability —these cannot be privileges. They should not depend on your zip code or your skin color.

I hope we can keep open eyes about our reality in the States but open hearts and minds about what could be.

Feel free to add to or continue this brainstorm…

Here is a related project that I just think is worth knowing about and supporting: https://www.blackfoodjustice.org/



Trisha Traughber
Vagabond Voices

Immigrant, bilingual, mother, teacher, book-worm, writer. Life is better when we create - together.